
  1. S

    Overview of the commands somewhere?

    Hi! so there are alot of commands I don't understand in survival, is there an overview of what they do somewhere? Here are some of them I wonder what do: /trails /ptime /wwarp glow /near /ci /feed /kittycannon /fix hand
  2. NelesTMR

    All the kingdom commands

    I did somthing in a free vault and i forgot the command so i want a list with ALL commands from kingdom.
  3. SteveSomewhat

    Chat Color Survival

    Sup, Chat color isn't allowing me to change type... NORMAL ONLY. Plz fix it :( It says I have no Permission to change it to bold, italic or wutever. Thx, -Steve :D
  4. K

    Cars and Bikes??

    Does Foxcraft still have /giveCar KittyRedTimeLord BLACK and /giveBike KittyRedTimeLord BLACK