
  1. Konak75

    Leaving Fox, goodbye y'all!

    I don't expect anyone replying on this thread, mostly because I wasn't the kindest player around here, but I still want to make this thread. If you want to reply, Like everyone else should, I'm choosing for my own way in life now. I'm not only leaving fox, but actually games in general. I have...
  2. Jax


    Hey, i was banned from Foxcraft a while ago, i bought skyfox on Foxcraft, and i really want to play on the server again, if someone could please tell me how i could get unbanned, that would be great.
  3. CallMeSirPls

    Unfairly perm Banned

    IGN: CallMeSirPls Banned by: Yoahi For: Hacked Client Why unfair: I play minecraft now for around 6 years 4 of the 6 years I was playing HCF= Hardcore Factions. Thats really precise PvP and you need to be very good for that. Before I got banned: I was fighting a diamond guy while I had diamond...
  4. ConfusedKat

    ConfusedKat-- Longtime Member

    Hello my MC name is ConfusedKat, formally known at The_Coolkat, and even coolkat123467 back in the day. I first started playing on Foxcraft in 2013 with a group of friends, i loved the server so much that i donated the money to get a skyfox rank in 2013, recently i have been going on Foxcraft...

    Hello World!

    I really like minecraft and I enjoy youtube
  6. carbss

    hey, I'm new here!

    hey, my name is carbss, and I'm new here! i have 2 friends on this server. _peachyy and TropicalLyfe! i know both of them in real life. also i was banned :( I'm sorry can someone tell me how to make an appeal?