Search results

  1. L

    Helper applications

    Don't see a point anymore all the active people get denied everytime.
  2. L

    KitPvP Server Reset

    So... Prison is next right :P? Please say yes ._.
  3. L

    Prison reset?

    RESET!!! :D!!!
  4. L

    Most violent thing your friend has ever said to you.

    Just wasted a minute of my day xD
  5. L

    "Newbie" Really? :/

    I've been on fox for like 3 years. Posted a decent amount of posts I feel yet I'm still classified as a "Newbie." I think I deserve at least member or known member cause I am known by 100s of people. I feel betrayed :(. How do I surpass this "Newbie" rank I fna