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  1. 17658

    Factions reset details! [Factions has reset]

    cloakie love you, je bent mijn alles kratje pitt.
  2. 17658

    Factions reset details! [Factions has reset]

    Nee johnie @cloakfox
  3. 17658

    Factions reset details! [Factions has reset]

    Great announcement.
  4. 17658


    Man, i tell you @cloakfox if you add this it will be a lot more active this/next season. +1
  5. 17658


    I want to say here goodbye aswell! goodbye fox it was fun. @AbsurdAlfa legend you'll always be my buddy and will always play fortnite with you! @maikel @_legitComboz_ @__qizz @Faast @Ninjakacper1 etc i'll stay in contact with y'all! add me on fortnite: F0ckBoyMylo if you want to play. Join my...
  6. 17658

    Hotdogs or Nuggets?

    H O T D O G S. Hotdogs.
  7. 17658

    Would you survive?
  8. 17658

    how can you mine spawners

    Buy Foxking rank for Factions at Mcfoxcraft store. When you got that rank you have the ability to mine a spawner with a Silk touch 1 pickaxe.
  9. 17658

    Hotdogs or Nuggets?

    Hotdogs, yes please.
  10. 17658

    Who Will Win?

    Well i think WildFire will win the season because we got a good headstart and a nice looking base that doesnt seem to get raided for a while. 1. WildFire 350.000.000$ 2. Capitol 128.000.000$ 3. USSR 96.000.000$ 4. FoxGang 11.000.000$ 5. Desecrator 8.900.000$ 6. Demonic 5.500.000$ 7. EPA 989.000$...
  11. 17658
  12. 17658

    Today i was banned for no reason

    This kid made me legit think. I feel bad for him and seems he is a very nice person. I dont know you but please come back, i want to help you on anyway u can find my username on Foxcraft discord.
  13. 17658

    Factions Reset!

    ): we were second
  14. 17658

    @cloakfox “ spend it all on “ LoL You can’t even take care of a server.

    @cloakfox “ spend it all on “ LoL You can’t even take care of a server.
  15. 17658

    Reset Friday around 20:00 dutch time [ 17 ] : it has to reset quickly, other the server will...

    Reset Friday around 20:00 dutch time [ 17 ] : it has to reset quickly, other the server will make no money. Well we all know its all about the money on this server. Ps invest a bit in the server this season the more invested the less problems and the more players. Ty ~17
  16. 17658

    Me, Myself and I

    Welcome my dood
  17. 17658

    I dont like seasons - Factions

    It should get reset quickly from now, its getting boring and nobody plays anymore... Cloak Don't you want to give out the coupons or so because you are delaying the reset all the time just like the other seasons. I hope you do it quickly because its getting very bored right now. + You should...
  18. 17658

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread
  19. 17658

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    such an good post ex, great job.
  20. 17658

    WIN 100 MILL

    good vid <3