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    Staff please reply

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    Staff please reply

    okay really sorry for annoying yall i just want to know cause Foxcraft is the only server i like rn
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    Staff please reply

    sorry but thanks for telling
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    Staff please reply

    Guys is someone with the ign icecream1231231 banned or unbanned? @Deannn @fweef @Bubbabouy @xDark_M please telllll
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    The most expensive one I can is skyfox rn
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    do the poll
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    Rank question

    @Deannn @cloakfox @fweef could yall please tell me that if i buy a rank while im banned will i get it when im unbanned please a staff reply
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    Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

    Not saying the server is bad but uve got enough glaze to run a donut factory
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    Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

    Kid I got banned for advertising even though I msged my friend to join a server she already knows
  12. X

    Rank question

    Do I still get my rank if I buy it when I’m temporary banned?
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    Bro i want to get unbanned can a admin please unban me i did nothing wrong :(

    Mine got reduced to 10 days and urs 3days bruh not fair :(
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    Dz ultra rude
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    whats a claim lqrenzo?
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    im banned....... :(
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    or if there is a way to get it please tell
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    Guys can someone please send me an unexpirable discord link to Foxcraft pleasee