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    Kingdom sucks, here is why.

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    GIVEAWAY [7-days-rabbitrank]!!!!!!

    If you say mega giveaway atleast have items that players really want like foxking of foxqueen or spawners
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    Since we all see kingdoms is dead so why not enable pvp in wild and claims again Since everyone is also bored to grind loot on kdempire since its more dead then kdvalhalla And by turning it on players will go more base hunting for players and it will might get more players
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    kingdoms needs a fix

    Its def dead bc players are making glitched swords / gear
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    Who want 6.55Mil?

    1. Like this post. 2. Follow me on forums. 3. Wich kingdom are u in? 4. What is your in game name / Discord? 5. Why do u need the money ign IGotRqkt_ dc RikkiePikkie#7060 ik heb het geld nodig om tegeven aan mensen ook en om haiko meer tekillen en om totems bij jeffrey tekopen en me eige kd...
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    Martijnsgaap warnt voor geen reden.

    het is maar een WARN waar janken mensen om opeens
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    Martijnsgaap warnt voor geen reden.

    aina janken om warns en je mag sws nie mensen in pvp tpen dat is tp killing je moet is beter naar de regels kijken dan
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    Super smelter system

    the double chest you got got 2hoppers so when the cactus comes it the left hopper takes the first 3rows ig and then the other rows the right hopper {i think}
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    Kingdoms Empire "Focusing on PVP and invading" (Details & release date)

    split gamemodes most players will return back or something how i see it
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    Prestige 100 :)

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    It's all gone - this time by another player

    Admins cant remove shops only cm+ and they wont remove it
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    1. What is your Minecraft username? xDark_Simp 2. What is your Discord username? xDark_Simp#8967 3. What is your main Gamemode? kingdoms/survival 4. Why are you the perfect winner! am poor to affort keys and i wanna give keys to random players on kingdoms that need it more 5. Like this thread
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    Missing Armor

    My man really wants irl things for some gear and tools
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    10$ Giveaway!

    i want to win because im poor and want to buy ranks for friends and some keys to give away to players ign xDark_Simp Discord IGotRqkt_#8967
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    How to change Kingdoms to Kingdoms

    me with 3alt ez stack in days thats just sad ngl rp was way better
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    Panda spawner

    No. Yes. Perhaps.
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    How to change Kingdoms to Kingdoms

    +1 bring rp back remove mana
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    Kingdoms reset

    +1 remove it so you need real skill for pvp and unban 13jar02 ofc
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    Kingdoms reset

    nah just reset it rn daily player base sometimes not even 20