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  1. Leon?

    give me a gset and you will get fkt

    give me a gset and you will get fkt
  2. Leon?

    Bro this server is dead man...:(

  3. Leon?

    Who is it?

    Didnt know that prison had more then 3 players?
  4. Leon?

    Goodbye... :)

    Just make a APPEAL they always accept appeals about advertising
  5. Leon?

    Bro this server is dead man...:(

    Make APPEAL
  6. Leon?

    Goodbye... :)

    No fking sht
  7. Leon?

    I quit prison after the first week… if you give me a gset i would drop your entire team solo

    I quit prison after the first week… if you give me a gset i would drop your entire team solo
  8. Leon?

    Goodbye... :)

  9. Leon?

    Goodbye... :)

    You can make a private conversation lmfao where i cant look, you made a open post that everyone can see dont cry if I answer
  10. Leon?

    Goodbye... :)

    You know you can DM people on the forums? You making a open thread… not my fault thats you are 6 years old and cant download discord
  11. Leon?

    Bro this server is dead man...:(

    Yes i think the toxic people hacked it so you cant report them >:(
  12. Leon?

    Goodbye... :)

    Bro thats in 6 months
  13. Leon?

    Bro this server is dead man...:(

    Womp womp
  14. Leon?

    The Kingdoms pvp eco update:

    The Kingdoms PVP eco update: - added Outpost (KOTH thats always active) - enchant tokens (if you apply this to your armor it adds 1 enchant level to the item) outpost A outpost is a king of the hill that is active 24/7, the kingdom that has it capped gets special buffs and rewards. This outpost...
  15. Leon?

    We have a HUGE suspect…watch out.

    Their is no hack that makes you be stuck in the air… thats just a bugg in the server itself and ye your 12 that explains a lot
  16. Leon?

    We have a HUGE suspect…watch out.

    They dont have evidence because they r 8 year olds that think every little thing is a hack lmfao
  17. Leon?

    Disable custom enchants/skills in pvp.

    I made like 3 suggestions even before kingdoms reset to do custom armorsets instead of these weird enchants that are buggy asf
  18. Leon?

    Disable custom enchants/skills in pvp.

    Skills fun the enchanrs bad
  19. Leon?

    Making kingdoms more enjoyable.

    No one will pvp in elysium then lmfao keep inv off everywhere or just keep elysium how it is
  20. Leon?


    Heel slim om je hele naam in een openbare post te zetten