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  1. FoxyGamerLx


  2. FoxyGamerLx

    Giveaway giftcards!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Discord: scout#9649 Minecraft: Trolle_Gaming i want to get a rank for survival because creative is dead my favourite memory? honestly i don't know, i've got a lot of great memories, my favourite memories are all def of when creative wasn't dead edit: maybe when i met Natalie, the best person i...
  3. FoxyGamerLx

    Discord Issue

  4. FoxyGamerLx

    Discord Issue

    so uh, i changed my discord account and now i it isn't synced, and since i already synced my old one, it doesn't work anymore, can any staff give me my donator role on the discord server? i'm Astolfo#7929 thanks
  5. FoxyGamerLx


    say hi to the duck, his name is Yayayeetee
  6. FoxyGamerLx

    yeeting my homeworks dO nOt DiStUrB

    yeeting my homeworks dO nOt DiStUrB
  7. FoxyGamerLx

    On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like bread

    toast best food
  8. FoxyGamerLx

    hello there

    hello there
  9. FoxyGamerLx

    i don't think this is suposed to seem real :p

    i don't think this is suposed to seem real :p
  10. FoxyGamerLx


  11. FoxyGamerLx

    neehoy meenoy

    neehoy meenoy
  12. FoxyGamerLx

    i get 100000 homeworks for 1 day + the zoom calls + getting up hella early and in weekends it's...

    i get 100000 homeworks for 1 day + the zoom calls + getting up hella early and in weekends it's like a normal day at school like wtf :(
  13. FoxyGamerLx

    yoy meenoy neehoy meenoy meehoy meenoy

    yoy meenoy neehoy meenoy meehoy meenoy