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  1. ROrrlossn

    Damn vacation is great

    Damn vacation is great
  2. ROrrlossn

    Need more stuff members and a better anti-cheat

    And because of that i said that they need to recruit more people for fixing that problem and then there will be at least 2-3 staff members online
  3. ROrrlossn

    Need more stuff members and a better anti-cheat

    I am always reporting as you may have seen but i am mostly saying that the staff needs extension because in my time zone in the morning no staff member was online and there were a lot of hackers but thanks for the replay
  4. ROrrlossn

    Need more stuff members and a better anti-cheat

    This can not happen that i am over 30 min reporting a player and no staff online and there are a lot of hackers that no one takes care of that I get it that you can leave a report to the staff members but while there are no staff members online and you have reported the players over 30 min ago...
  5. ROrrlossn


    That is it it is not kicking them rn i reported two 100% hackers and they didn't even got kicked once
  6. ROrrlossn


    The anti-cheat is sleeping he worked hard don't wake him up
  7. ROrrlossn

    If you think that your ban was incorrect please send an appeal and the staff will decide Appeal...

    If you think that your ban was incorrect please send an appeal and the staff will decide Appeal :
  8. ROrrlossn

    Hey can someone give me a good netflix series to watch i need it so much

    Hey can someone give me a good netflix series to watch i need it so much
  9. ROrrlossn

    I’m moving so I will be gone for a little while

    I will miss you even if i didn't know you
  10. ROrrlossn

    Youtube Rank on skyblock

    Savage LOL
  11. ROrrlossn


    I don't have the member rank in kit pvp
  12. ROrrlossn


  13. ROrrlossn

    I got a brand new foot

    I got a brand new foot