How the hell do i find wither skeletons on survival?! None are spawning and ive been trying to hunt one for Hours. Am i unlucky? will anyone do it if i pay them? Please this means a lot to me if i can know any and all info on how to find wither skeletons.
I have a controversial opinion of the survival currently. I'm scared that this core part of the server might be dying with glitches, bugs, and things that are just plain stupid. I joined this server while back 2018 and I still play time to time to enjoy the nostolgia but I cant ignore the...
1) change the /team accept (name) to just /team accept, it really pisses me off especially when I type the name of a team and when there is a colour code. (Legion specifically)
2) /baltop to actually show the balance score board.
3)/wild to 6 hours breaks.
Don't @me but this would be helpful.
I've been thinking of getting these mods, i just want to know if these mods are legal and don't break rules.
I don't want to get banned for these.
Hit Splash Damage Indicator
Better PVP Mod
please if any mods see this, please reply