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  1. buurman_moll

    that's just because im so excited to join the community again :P

    that's just because im so excited to join the community again :P
  2. buurman_moll

    waiting patiently on @cloakfox to notice my ban appeal

    waiting patiently on @cloakfox to notice my ban appeal
  3. buurman_moll

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    with all due respect, I find that that list is badly written, im in a kingdom that I can't leave because im banned. (reason for ban was that my pearl was considered as speed hacks. my banappeal is pending) it seems like you found some toxic people, looked up there kingdom, and just blacklisted...
  4. buurman_moll

    Record holder?

    also im very triggered
  5. buurman_moll

    Record holder?

    I am not affiliated with this person
  6. buurman_moll

    Okay guys. Let's party!

    I payed a dollar and it wasnt even needed Anyway LETS PARTY
  7. buurman_moll


    i will miss you good luck and thanks for everything!!
  8. buurman_moll

    Kingdoms reset! And factions resetting?

    i would like a bit more "Wam" :p