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  1. Carl

    I can't name them all but I know that most of them are hackers

    I can't name them all but I know that most of them are hackers
  2. Carl

    soo many people got new accounts after they figured out that they could do that

    soo many people got new accounts after they figured out that they could do that
  3. Carl


  4. Carl


  5. Carl


  6. Carl

    ok ya is it banable to get a new account if your old account got ban?

    ok ya is it banable to get a new account if your old account got ban?
  7. Carl


  8. Carl

    i need help with.........

    i need help with.........
  9. Carl

    can I get some advice?

    can I get some advice?
  10. Carl


  11. Carl

    oh and Jaywiz thnx for following me ❤

    oh and Jaywiz thnx for following me ❤
  12. Carl

    is it banable to get a new account if your old account is ban? Because if so I got some people...

    is it banable to get a new account if your old account is ban? Because if so I got some people to report.
  13. Carl


  14. Carl

    btw im jet42006

    btw im jet42006
  15. Carl

    i have tnt .......I think

    i have tnt .......I think
  16. Carl

    I don't like it how people try and make these death traps for you on op prison I went thro 2 in...

    I don't like it how people try and make these death traps for you on op prison I went thro 2 in 2 days I never died
  17. Carl

    well to bad ill wait till im 12 in like what 2 years

    well to bad ill wait till im 12 in like what 2 years
  18. Carl


  19. Carl

    how do you get helper or staff? Is it age,plz let me know

    how do you get helper or staff? Is it age,plz let me know