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  1. xDark_F

    Which plugins does the Kingdoms server use?

    Which plugins does the Kingdoms server use?
  2. xDark_F


    I hate u too, wanna scold but I don’t want to get banned again
  3. xDark_F

    I have no damn clue how long this is still going to be online

    I'd like everyone to comment why Foxcraft sucks, want to make a list with things.
  4. xDark_F


    fweef sucks
  5. xDark_F

    I got hacked or what?!

    Hi! I've told this to Ambology but he didn't tell anyone from what I've heard. It was a casual day when I joined svulcan. When I joined I immediatly noticed something wrong. Someone broke ALOT of blocks and even my welcome sign! They were able to do anything they wanted. They stole 25 million...
  6. xDark_F

    haha xD

    haha xD
  7. xDark_F

    Factions Command Glitch

    Hello, I'm having an issue with factions. Once i type a few commands i get sent back to the lobby : YouTube Video
  8. xDark_F


    Hello, I recently joined skyblock for the first time in a few months but when joining i saw the server reset. I had no problem with this whatsoever but when i saw I WAS DEGRADED FROM MY SKYFOX RANK TO MEMBER RANK where i goddamn paid for!!!! Where is my skyfox rank???!!! Tell me!!!!! I want my...
  9. xDark_F

    Who Will Win?

    Nah, Factions reset Desecrator is not like it was supposed to be the strongest faction is WildFire desecrator only has 2 members with 8mil with Desecrator at 300mil USSR at 40mil and Demonic at 42mil i am in Demonic
  10. xDark_F

    Forums IGN

    Hello, I have an issue with my account on the forums. My IGN is listed as DaPunchyDude but i changed my IGN to IWantToBePilot how do i change my name from my forum account????
  11. xDark_F

    Who Will Win?

    I hope WildFire/Demonic wins!! both are fine and okay!
  12. xDark_F

    Check my YouTube channel! DaPunchyDude YT

    Check my YouTube channel! DaPunchyDude YT
  13. xDark_F

    KitPVP hacker

    Well i just had a nice day playing kitpvp until a hacker appeard he kept killing me with reach 5+ and also he cloud turn around and shoot with his bow while still sprinting he just shot on less then a second this dude has Killaura and NoSlowDown and BowAimbot Evidence :
  14. xDark_F

    Faction server

    Any staff online now?? Factions on mcfoxcraft is down and nobody can join this can any staff please help?
  15. xDark_F

    Stupid staff member

    it was on kitpvp
  16. xDark_F

    Stupid staff member

    i was spamming some things and the staff member warned me and then they sad to keep spamming so i would get muted i really dont like that because i love mcfoxcraft and getting muted is a pain so a staff member wanted me to keep spamming so i get banned they sad : Do it again the staff member was...
  17. xDark_F

    FMAGMA Home base

    Yeah doesnt work i made a picture in my base not in f home just to tell you
  18. xDark_F

    FMAGMA Home base

    Hi, I recently made a base and a faction (BomBam) but when i do /f home it just doesnt teleport me at all!!!! please help me!! i want to go to my base!! YES I CLAIMED MY BASE AND DID /F SETHOME BUT I CANT TP TO MY BASE!!! It keeps stuck on teleport commencing
  19. xDark_F

    Ok now im mad!

    i still have a question if i apply for YT rank and i get accepted does my Shadowfox rank on fmagma dissapear? or should i do it on my 2nd account
  20. xDark_F

    Ok now im mad!

    I recently started playing Foxcraft again after a 5 month break i played fmagma bought rank,money etc but i still remember i had a SGLACIER island but i went to SGLACIER i typed /is go and i didnt have a island! i have proof i had that island : ITS GONE!!!!! WHAT THE HECK PLEASE HELP ME! I...