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  1. DebleuTL

    Ik heb zin om terug te starten, maar ben je vergeten dat ik altijd solo skyblock doe? ;)

    Ik heb zin om terug te starten, maar ben je vergeten dat ik altijd solo skyblock doe? ;)
  2. DebleuTL

    Ik zit in het midden van de examens, en terwijl werk ik ook fulltime, dus no time for videogames xD

    Ik zit in het midden van de examens, en terwijl werk ik ook fulltime, dus no time for videogames xD
  3. DebleuTL


  4. DebleuTL

    Te druk met het werk en examens (werk + avondonderwijs = niet doen). Ik heb wel zin om terug te...

    Te druk met het werk en examens (werk + avondonderwijs = niet doen). Ik heb wel zin om terug te starten, Maar ik heb zelfs al een hele maand geen enkel spel meer aan kunnen raken :/
  5. DebleuTL

    Skyblock Glacier Revamp!

  6. DebleuTL

    player banned for afk selling (withouth auto clicker)

    I said a player (not me), this isn't a ban appeal at all xD ban appeals are for your own account, the player himself (udennick) instantly made a ban appeal but we weren't that very happy about him getting banned for this reason. So I (and 15 minutes later Captian_Goldy) made a post on this...
  7. DebleuTL

    Udennick banned for no good reason

    He already did a long time ago, and he got unbanned after half an hour
  8. DebleuTL

    Udennick banned for no good reason

    hey goldy, check the general discussions again xD
  9. DebleuTL

    player banned for afk selling (withouth auto clicker)

    Hi So a good friend of me on the glacier server got banned because he put his phone on his right mouse button to sell stuff in the shop while he went away for a small period. now my question is: how can this ban be legal? EVERYTHING is allowed on the servers except for the things on the rules...
  10. DebleuTL

    parkour sign wont work in the new skyblock

    There is a barrier block above it, you sure that you're clicking on the sign and not the barrier block? Also, you can only do this once in 24 hours
  11. DebleuTL

    my in real live

    Yeah, I don't have anything at all against gay people, I'm just not gay xD
  12. DebleuTL

    Question About Ban Evasion

    damn proify, why did you have to ruin the fun? :( I liked IkBenLarsGamerNL a lot on the forums xD
  13. DebleuTL

    my in real live

    No **** sherlock xD Or else I couldn't react like that, I'm straight xD
  14. DebleuTL

    how get lava

    Actually, scamming is allowed on the servers, got scammed 7M on glacier once xD
  15. DebleuTL

    Helper apps: CLOSED

    So, any predictions?
  16. DebleuTL


    wait, you said that you are a boy, but that you are his girl?
  17. DebleuTL

    my in real live

    Nope, sorry xD And to clarify, I ain't gay either xD
  18. DebleuTL

    my in real live

    Omg you sexy looking :oops:
  19. DebleuTL


    what he means is that he is looking for girls on the servers xD Not that he is one. He tried to say "if you're a girl, tell me when you're online and come to me"
  20. DebleuTL

    no won help my

    Also, his name translated from dutch to english is litterally "I am Lars(a common name in the netherlands and Belgium) NL" xD I really love to read all the posts of this guy xD