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  1. C2Obezerk

    Another one bites the dust.

    Hey everyone. This isn't going to be a long thread, not much to say haha. But the incredibly accurate title (also a song name, great song listen to it if you haven't already) says everything. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone at all. I was demoted, reason being inactivity, I saw it...
  2. C2Obezerk

    Bored at 7am

    Tfw you're bored as hell...and randomly think of the USA...
  3. C2Obezerk

    Story time #2

    Well foxcrafters, I got a lot of good feedback from my previous story. So I thought to myself "hey Andrew, make anotha one" hahaha...bad joke...yeah...moving on. So today's story involves a nice little boy. So here it is. Hey what's up guys it's scarce here, now we have a lot of news so we're...
  4. C2Obezerk

    Story time!

    Well ladies and gentlemen of Foxcraft. Today I've decided I want to be a story teller, so once or twice a day, I will make a thread with a thrilling drama filled story. Now for tonight's story. AHEM... Once apon a time...the end. (Harambe joke RIP) Thanks for listening. Please rate 10/10...
  5. C2Obezerk

    Time to go :(

    Hello lady's and gentlemen of Foxcraft. today, 01/04/2016 8:10am EST. Marks the time I depart from Foxcraft. It's a shame I must leave, I have many great great memory's here that I will never forget. Then there were the bad memory's...but let's not go there haha :/. Anyways it's been fun...
  6. C2Obezerk

    Hey :D

    Hey guys, i'm new here. and i'm a loving and cute teddy bear :D (me as a baby polar bear <3)
  7. C2Obezerk


    I'm a new kid, sup :P