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    POLL | What Do You Play on Foxcraft?

    Heyo! Ive been on the forums for somewhat almost a week give or take, but not many people have told me where they mainly play. I personally, am addicted to SkyWars and occasionally play Creative. But I want to know what you guys play.

    Player Report Operation Help.

    Heyo! I'm a bit confused where I should place a player report. The other day I created a player report and posted the thread in the server the inncident took place. I was told by an Admin (one of the best around :)) to place it in a thread but I didn't quite getcwhat he/she meant. The only place...

    This is me! UnsolvedQuestion!

    Hi. The name's UnsolvedQuestion but call me Unsolved or Bailey for short. I got on this server just this morning and decided to play on one a server on the server lists. I loved everything about this server from the start, especially staff. So funny, jokeable and they know how to keep everyone...