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  1. sips


    this is my #FAVORITE server on minecraft!!!!! i loke roblocx better btu its ok. my favorite game on roblox is probably jailbreak so if u playh robloxc u should add me p.s these arent to make me sound stupid i just hate putting effort into things that i probably wont look back on in the future...
  2. sips

    Don't bring old Foxcraft back?

    Now, you're all probably getting pissed off that I'm saying not to bring old Foxcraft back? or you're all just thinking "who is this guy" or "ur not relevant" well, I'm not relevant, and that's because of foxcrafts updates, in which most of these updates Foxcraft tries to bring "the old Foxcraft...
  3. sips


    Hey, you guys are probably tired of seeing all of these sorry threads from me. But I can assure you this is my last one. So here we go.... If I didn't mention you, it probably doesn't cross my mind anymore. Sorry @Chillyns, we've always been so disrespectful to eachother, even after how close...
  4. sips

    im in my underwear

    yh im in my underwear
  5. sips

    A quite serious question.

    If this is offtopic, what is topic? ;oooo
  6. sips

    Exposing Refelective_.

    Hi, so as most of you may know, I've been in some fights with Reflective_, and ThePowerOfSix lately. let me tell you how this started. Reflective is constantly trying (and failing) to roast me over and over again, and yh im proud of the kid for tryin atleast, but you know.. so everytime he...
  7. sips

    Old Foxcraft Memories..

    WARNING: THESE ARE HIGH ASF LEVEL CRINGE FROM LIKE 1 - 3 YEARS AGO SO BEWARE OF CRINGE, PLEASE DONT WATCH IF YOU HAVE ANXIETY/SUICIDE PROBLEMS BC THIS IS ENCOURAGEMENT THXBYE okay so everyone hates the new Foxcraft right? ok right now time for these things k what tf is this?!?! (i actually...
  8. sips

    I'm sorry.

    I'm sorry. We're sorry A topic all of us have in life. (You know you have your wrongs, chances are if you haven't made anything like this... you're stubborn asf.) A topic you're probbababbebaly sick of hearing... A topic you hate admitting... But today.. It's my turn... And now our story...
  9. sips

    So apparently i got this for free, lol.

    Apparently this was made 3 months ago without me even knowing.... lol.
  10. sips

    Who do you think will get helper?

    Okay. So as we all know, just about everyone is applying for helper... your brother.. your sister... your mother.. you get the picture... Anyways! That's besides the point... The point is, everyone's applying for helper, (Just about.) the question is! Who do you think will get it? Post opinions...
  11. sips


    delete this thread please.
  12. sips

    Foxraft skywars |buh bye kelly|

  13. sips


    Hi, I'm michael.. And.. I've been a "Stubborn Jerk" most of the time I've been here, and that's what people think of me.. they think of me as a "Stubborn Jerk" But, That was all based on what I did in the past. and people keep judging me, even if it was...
  14. sips

    The Glazed Clan (Survival)

    Okay, So basically, I'm creating a clan called the "Glazed Clan" So... The rules are, Are that you have to pick some kind of word after Glazed in your name. And you have to apply. Example 1: GlazedMop Example 2: GlazedDino Example 3: GlazedCow Application format? Previous IGN? Turning IGN...
  15. sips

    My introduction.

    Hi, I'm Michael, I was born 2002, July 29th, With my loving family, I am thirteen years old, Turning fourteen, I joined Foxcraft around 2011 - 2012 And have had some rough times, And some not. So, Let's get you to know me a bit better. Facts about me: -I'm a youtuber. -I have a girlfriend. -I...
  16. sips

    Only player online?! I'm the only player online?!! XD
  17. sips

    Who do you miss the most?

    What member / Staff / player Do you miss the most? I miss SkyxStar. ;[
  18. sips

    Have you been warned yet?

    Have you been warned yet? Just curious. For fun. :P Have you been warned yet?: What did you do to get warned?: Are you mad?: Are you going to kill yourself? [jk pls dont]
  19. sips

    Favorite Viners?

    What's your favorite viner??? Mine is king zach. ;p
  20. sips

    Count to 1000 | Forum Game.

    Okay, So basically you have to try and count to 1000, But if a staff member posts, You have to start over again. Example @Michael // GlazedPup : 1 @Hyllus : 2 @GlazedBear 3 @11kobeer : 4 @Michael // GlazedPup :Ugh, Now we have to start over again: 1 And then it continues, But only forum...