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  1. Chainsmokers


    Ive become bored of Minecraft and it has become clear my help is not needed. Bye everyone.
  2. Chainsmokers

    Baest's secret

    Some of you may know, we have a staff member known as Baest or Rick. For those of you who don't, consider yourself lucky. He had been keeping a secret from all of us. Rick is actually a 65 year old internet pedophile who drives a white van and lives in the woods. Beware of him. #BaestExposed...
  3. Chainsmokers


    Okay, so I feel like I need to make this thread since I'm going to be very inactive for a long period of time (three weeks), and I want you guys to know. My cousins from Egypt are visiting, and I haven't seen them in 5 or 6 years. So, I want to be able to spend as much time with them as...
  4. Chainsmokers

    Foxcraft Couples

    Okay, so @DontPaanic made a thread on this awhile back but I wanted to make another one. So deal with it. Anyways, list some Foxcraft couples below. I know you guys are going to be like "I don't support online dating", but keep in mind that this is just for fun. You see that? "JUST FOR FUN!"...
  5. Chainsmokers

    Free Hand-Drawn Profile Pictures!

    I made a thread like this awhile back, but I decided to make another one, as I will have tons of time tomorrow to draw (8 hour flight to London). So tell me what you want me to draw below. I can't promise that it will be very good, as I am terrible at drawing.
  6. Chainsmokers

    Most violent thing your friend has ever said to you.

    Well, I decided to troll my friend and make a little recording of her. It heats up toward the end. So that this thread isn't pointless what is the most violent thing a friend has ever said to you?
  7. Chainsmokers

    Free Hand-Drawn Profile Pictures!

    As you know, I have started drawing people profile pictures. Some of you are starting to want some (no clue why), so this thread has been made. Here are some examples of my previous work: If you would like one, please fill out the format below...
  8. Chainsmokers

    Another introduction!

    Hey Foxcrafters! Some of you know I've already made an introduction thread, but that was on old forums. Since it was deleted I might as well make another one. Below I will list some things about myself. I joined Foxcraft on September 1st, 2014. My real name is Maya. My favorite color is...