Search results

  1. 11kobeer

    I'm back as Community Manager

    Hi Foxcraft Community, I am returning as your Community Manager. I was CM in 2017, but I had to resign due to too much school work. But now I have some time, so I thought it would be awesome to return. I am one of the most OG players on Foxcraft. I have been part of the community since its...
  2. 11kobeer


    The title doesn't lie. As of today, I am resigning from Community Manager of Foxcraft. My job entailed managing the staff team and managing donation support. It will certainly be weird not managing those 2 aspects of Foxcraft anymore, especially since I have been on the staff team for around a...
  3. 11kobeer

    New Helpers

    Hey, Everyone! I am excited to announce the new Helpers. Out of 82 applications made, 9 have been accepted: @C2Obezerk @icebreaker1 @_Arktic @SoYannick @ProbationZ @TheCooldude087 @Melaniee_ @iSquishy_ @Tqzz I would like to thank everyone who made an application for taking the time to do so...
  4. 11kobeer

    Helper Applications Open

    Hey Foxcrafters, Helper applications are now opened. Before making an application, please read this thread in its entirety. Helper applications will be opened for a week. After they close, please allow a few days to a week for the announcement of the new Helpers to come out. I wish you all...
  5. 11kobeer

    User Title Ladder

    Sup everyone. Haven't made a thread in like a long time, so I thought I would make one. This isn't anything big, I just made a minor forum tweak. I have changed the values of the User Title Ladders. You might be like "tf is that?" It is the thing that says Member, Active Member, Well-Known...
  6. 11kobeer

    New Media Platforms

    Hey everyone, This is just a quick announcement to share our new media platforms with you. We've made a Discord and Dubtrack. To connect to Discord: To connect to Dubtrack: The platforms are rather new, and we are still...
  7. 11kobeer

    How I came up with my username: 11kobeer

    Hey guys! I've been asked this many times, and this is a new forum, so, here's the story.... Years ago, I was getting a Minecraft account. I wanted to think of a unique username, but I didn't know what it should be. I was looking at my parents' reebok treadmill, and I got it. I would just...
  8. 11kobeer

    "Important" News

    Dear Community, It has come to my attention that there has been a problem with chickens on skyblock. To get rid of the chickens, I MIGHT do /killall chicken 100. This should immediately scare you. As you know, our beloved community chicken, Pedro, stands in the way of my totally awesome power...