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  1. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    New Update, Old Problems...

    Hey everyone, I recently stopped playing kitpvp, there are a couple reasons to this. The first reason is because there are CONSTANTLY hackers online now, the second reason is I lost a set of God armor (P4 diamond helmet, P4 iron chest plate, P4 iron leggings, and P4 diamond boots to a hacker...
  2. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Why yes, yes I do.

    I don't know why, but ninjastar went from being my friend to hating my *** over 2 things, me kicking him from my team, and a time he told me that if i came down in diamond armor I would die, after which i went down and promptly killed him. He then reported to staff that I had diamond armor and...
  3. 2Hawk/FatBirdie


    _xXKimJongUnXx_ and i have always been at odds, I've always been the guy with the gear, and he has always been the player with prowess. However, he is now getting his own P4 diamond armor. We are both paranoid that if we do a 1v1 someone will cheat and bring someone else in, so we decided to...
  4. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    KitPvp Diamond Armor Giveaway!

    I have been busting my butt the last few months both on the server and in real life. I also now happen to have TWO sets of diamond Protection 4 armor in my collection. Because I love the kitpvp server and want to reward loyal players. For this reason I am giving away ONE of the two sets of...
  5. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Kitpvp needs anvils

    Foxcraft KitPvp is out of anvils again. I posted this on Cloakfox's page but got no response. So I'm posting it here and one other place. If someone could please refill the anvils that would be great. Thank you!
  6. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Kitpvp needs MORE anvils

    Foxcraft KitPvp is out of anvils again. I posted this on Cloakfox's page but got no response. So I'm posting it here and one other place. If someone could please refill the anvils that would be great. Thank you!
  7. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    KitPvP showcase (outdated)

    This is my current KitPvP fortune. It is no longer accurate but so what. It gives you a good idea of what I have. Enjoy [EDIT] I'm still working on upgrading my computer so sorry about the quality.
  8. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    KitPVP donator kits

    I've had FoxQueen on kitpvp for a while now, and I noticed that multiple kits don't give you what they say they will. I'm not talking about medic or knight which still say diamond armor. I mean like Vampire kit or Farmer kit, which are essentially useless due to the lack of anything but armor...
  9. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Incomplete transfer

    I bought FoxKing today, but I only got it on glacier, when I really just need it for Vulcan. Is the skyblock rank system for only one or the other or was this a mistake. If it isn't is there any way I can get my rank transferred from Glacier to Vulcan. Thank you
  10. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Buying OP armor on KitPvP

    For some reason when /kitpvp was reset people who still had OP armor on them kept it... I've also heard that people have bought OP armor, and I was wondering if that is still a thing because its not fair for people to get completely destroyed by players in Protection 10 diamond armor. I don't...
  11. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Is Scamming Allowed?

    I'm the kind of day player who will often do trades with other players, sometimes this involves my own money IRL. Before I get to heavy into this business I wanted to ask if scamming is allowed, because if not I'll save myself some heartache and money. Thanks Is scamming allowed? If not, what...
  12. 2Hawk/FatBirdie


    My friend and I have been saving to buy ranks for multiple fox craft servers such as KitPVP & Skyblock, and we were just wondering if anyone knew when the next rank sale is. We were hoping to get FoxKing before getting too far ahead in our youtube series that I'm starting up. If anyone has any...
  13. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    I cant talk...

    I don't know why but I tried going back onto KitPVP and I can no longer talk in public, only private chat... anyone know why?
  14. 2Hawk/FatBirdie

    Hello all

    I have recently become a much bigger and bigger fan of Foxcraft. I do make YouTube videos, link later, but making videos takes time. I have 2 accounts so that I can record myself. I'm often on KitPVP or Skyblock and I will soon do some creative builds (I'm an intermediate level builder). I hope...