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  1. ItzTech

    Happy New Year!!

  2. ItzTech

    Minimum viewer count for "YouTube Rank"

    Good morning Foxcraft Community, I was wondering what the minimum viewer count was to apply for YouTube / Twitch rank. This is not mentioned here "" so can anyone help me out? Thanks! Tech
  3. ItzTech

    New Skin

    Hello Foxcraft :D If someone is really creative and wants to put her/his time and effort in to making a skin for me, please DM me on Discord :) (justtech21) Thanks Techie
  4. ItzTech

    How to get Soil Generator?

    Yeah just my question xDDD
  5. ItzTech

    List of sellable and farmable blocks in with minions

    Hello chat, I was wondering if everyone knows a list that gives every item that you can sell with minions. If you know one please dm me Thanks Tech
  6. ItzTech

    Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone hope you are all doing great! :)
  7. ItzTech

    XP Leaderboard Oneblock Glacier and Vulcan

    Hello everyone! I thought it was a good idea to create a XP - Leaderboard at Oneblock Glacier and Oneblock Vulcan... What do you think? @cloakfox Greetings JustTech21
  8. ItzTech

    GIVEAWAY [7-days-rabbitrank]!!!!!!

    Dear people, If you don't have a rank in [/obglacier] Oneblock Glacier... I have 9 7-days-rabbitrank vouchers!!!!!! So if you want one enter your Discord and your Minecraft Name in the messages beneath!!!! Good luck!!! THE GIVEAWAY END ON {18-04-2023} FOLLOW FOR UPDATES Its me: Tech, Techie...
  9. ItzTech

    Rank Share

    Hallo iedereen! Ik wil mijn FoxKing-rang aan iemand geven. Kun je me vertellen of dat mogelijk is? Hij heeft een Shadow-rang, dus kunnen we allebei MysticFox hebben??? Bedankt! Tech
  10. ItzTech

    Can you live on 2 islands?

    Hi everyone!, I was asking myself if you can live on 2 islands, because my sister have one but I also have one. She can [/trust] me but I also want to be the owner of that island ;)! Is that possible? Bye!! TechFreak21YT Techie