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  1. cewallace

    Server is down.

    Server is down.
  2. cewallace


    Tools still disapearing while online and useing them.. also found a server glitch: Iron golem down and not moving.
  3. cewallace


    I logged, went to my farms, my Minions was at work so I gathered the Sweet berries to sale to the /shop and found they changed the buying prices from 1440 for a full load to just 864. Not worth buying minions any more, any more surprises for your players? or is best to just leave the server...
  4. cewallace


    QuickShop Pligin config.yml Can you add Barrel to the list, so that it will allow our builds to look nicer. #-Etc... shop-blocks: - BARREL - CHEST - TRAPPED_CHEST - ENDER_CHEST Thanks.
  5. cewallace

    Suspicious Activity

    Some thing keep diapering., No Admin On Duty at the time.
  6. cewallace

    Why have I returned to this server?

    I returned to this server because a a friend _WhitePrincess advised me that there is no longer any shops that buys as well as sell items, the person that took over the store destroyed it. So yea I have returned and will reopen another shop soon, to allow players to Buy and Sell their items all...
  7. cewallace

    My good bye

    Everything will be for free at warp cewallace, I spent a lot of time and real money on this server, I was informed today after posting some of my shops vanishing by Clock Fox that shops will be removed after some time, so instead of me watch my stuff diapering one by one I am giving it all away...
  8. cewallace

    Unknown Hacker

    my warp location cewallace - All my switches was turned off on the south side only , nobody has permissions to access them. was it a staff member? if so why?
  9. cewallace

    Question Minions

    What is the Upgrade cost on minions. #2 and #3 and are they the same on all types of minions? Thanks. Nothing found on forum search.
  10. cewallace

    Villager Question

    My named villagers at /wwarp cewallace some are taking jobs others are not, I have 4 per chunk only, I do not remember having it issue before. but again my 64 year old memory is in question. was something in the server changed? Thanks ahead, chuck.
  11. cewallace

    It's all gone - this time by another player

    While I was in the hospital for the last two days some admin changed a sign so that friends of this person can make money from my shop allowing them to empty out all my stull and all the money. CLOSEING SHOP. I Expect no help from this server admin.
  12. cewallace

    Server just restarted Lost all my stuff again.

    This is the second time I lost all my stuff just this month alone. It's not easy to get netherite, if this server crashes is going to continue then include netherrite in the /shop. Having to rebuild all my tools with the restriction this server had is beyond belief. Pay to win just wet to pay...
  13. cewallace

    Missing Armor

    I logged on and found that my armor was gone, I understand that the server crashed but I would like it back, all diamond armor maxed out, I can not file a Bug report the Bug forum says Closed. Just noticed some tools also missing, i guess everything that I had on is now gone. sad.. but I will...
  14. cewallace

    Info only - Missing netherite pickaxe from player vault 1

    2 days ago my fully loaded netherite pick-axe named: cewallace diapered from my pv 1, just to be sure I checked all chest on my claimed lands and have not found it, it was strange that I just placed in the pv and with in a hour I went back to get it and it was gone, Dont know if anyone else is...
  15. cewallace

    miner minions problem

    My lv3 miner minions just give out cobblestone and nothing else, was there a change the way miner minions work? I paid a lot to have it upgraded hate to think it was all for nothing. I can find any news about changes on this forum.
  16. cewallace

    I will not yield

    After years of using my Opera Browser as of today I get this message: We cannot verify your vote due to a low browser score. Try another browser or try login to Google to raise your score. but only using this link: I trust my Opera Browser...
  17. cewallace

    Survival Server Shop Owners

    Hey shop owners the wwarp list does not let you say what you are selling and some sell nothing at all, so lets get it together and list your shops here and what items you are selling, I do wish there was a way so that shop owners can update their post and change it as needed but this forum is...
  18. cewallace

    This server is costing me to much of my time and money. Good By all.

    Someone was able to build a small structure on top of my shop, for the last two days someone had been removing items and blocks from my shop, today my diamond sword was removed from my inventory while I was ingame, I have done a lot of work in trying to provide a shop for players that they can...