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  1. D

    observer limit is making it harder to lag proof and is adding lag to the server

    Lets start at the start. observers are great for compacting redstone and making systems work. but this is increasing lag because players are no longer able to lag proof there redstone with rails and observers. lets start with the simple observer itself. this is my background Mspt (this is the...
  2. D

    void base new gameode.

    a gamemode that chalanges the skill of the player. the player is given a 100x100 erea but he/she cant do anything els than interact with note blocks and walk also no flying with elytra. but outside of this erea he can use creative to make flying machines. it is going to be hard to get the first...
  3. D

    make stone generates produce stone instead of cobelstone

    i wanted to make a moss farm on survival and i ren in to the problem that stone generaters dont produce stone