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  1. Venomlol

    #unban mitchellnub4life

    Good morning evrey1. Mitchellnub4life has recently been banned for apparently abusing exploits on Foxcraft. This was a false ban and Cloak just needs to fix the server capacity because its been happening on survival too. #unban mitchellnub4life
  2. Venomlol

    Noqq your bad

    Imagine losing when using /speed in pvp and talking it all up that your better than me. L Noqq
  3. Venomlol

    Welcome My Name Is VectorH1

    Hey Guys My name Is VectorH1. I go by the name of Vector. It's a mathematical term, represented by an arrow with both direction and magnitude. Vector! That's me, I commit crimes with both direction and magnitude. Oh Yeahh! Thanks for listening to my Introduction. Hope to see VectorH1 back in...
  4. Venomlol

    Make the Rules of Foxcraft more clear in the Rules Section

    Cloak it would be much appreciated if you added the actual rules and updated it on forums so players know what there getting banned/muted/warned for. There is a lot of new rules you have implemented into Foxcraft that most players don't know about. Please update the rules!
  5. Venomlol

    Revamp Kitpvp

    I was playing Kitpvp yesterday with some of the helpers and players on Foxcraft. It was fun pvping on kitpvp but the kits and map felt outdated. I think Foxcraft should revamp kitpvp and make different classes of armor and a whole new map or rotating maps every week. It would make it fresh and...
  6. Venomlol

    Kingdoms HP Glitch

    @cloakfox I got the HP Glitch today, I don't think it is fixed lol.
  7. Venomlol

    Gio are you ok?

  8. Venomlol

    7-0 Strafe, Gio, and Aboose with Shaf and Gram.

    EZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Strafe stop blaming everything on Gio :D
  9. Venomlol

    Strafe and I are having a 1v1! Who ever wins gets 100k on survival.

    Strafe your bad :/
  10. Venomlol

    Rocket league

    GG Shaf! @ProGio767 I beat Shaf in a 1v1 5-4 and he beat me once 5-4 lol. I want a rematch with you now! :)
  11. Venomlol


    Hi, I'm Venom King of survival PVP :) Also, better than Strafe.
  12. Venomlol

    There needs to be a Mod/Helper at ./warp pvp at all times or most of the time.

    The reason why there should be a Mod/Helper at PVP all the time is that people get away with abusing ./speed, fly hacking, auto-clicking, etc... I think having a Mod/ Helper there all the time or during when most people are on. would be nice so this kind of stuff wouldn't happen.