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  1. G

    little kingdoms give away

    hey Foxcraft I would like to give away a rabbit rank voucher on kingdoms to a new player to be able to win write down : ur discord ur In-game name would be nice to also know how long u have been playing I got multiple so it depends on how many people react to this and how many I am going to...
  2. G


    really dont want to be rude but i made a bugg report a long time ago about this but voting still doesnt work on kdempire no pinata no vote keys its really hard for new players can something be done about this? really dont wanna be rude just saying
  3. G

    close this one pls :D

    the hub is down i think cause i cant join fox and a few others cant aswel
  4. G

    should kdempire get more fame

    yo what do you guys think should it get more fame cause right now /kingdoms leads u to the other kingdoms and not to kdempire the shop needs a big chance heard alot of ppl talk about that and a bigger map what do you guys think about kdempire and what should fox change about it
  5. G

    why has kdempire been ofline for 3/4days i wanna play

    does anyone know why kdempire is ofline for about 4days or something
  6. G

    kingdoms needs a fix

    i think kingdoms need a fix cause its dying real fast right now, cloak added kdempire what everyone wanted but it has a way to small map and a to small shop this is my opinion. what do you guys think kingdoms need to be fun again?