Search results

  1. Semmentvloer

    Old kingdoms

    We need old kingdoms back with You can't even invade in this mode and haven't you guys seen how bad the player count is when looking back to the old kingdoms. @cloakfox kingdoms is in your hand. #BRINGBACKOLDKINGDOMS
  2. Semmentvloer

    Suggestion DiscordSRV / Interactivechat

    I see you guys are using interactivechat. So you might want to add This is a plugin that shows inventories of that plugin in discord channels
  3. Semmentvloer

    Discord Bot

    Hi, I'm Sem. I like programming (Mostly discord bots). So i thought i could maybe make a discord bot about mcfoxcraft. But i need some suggestions for in the bot. So please give me suggestions down below. Kind regards, - Sem.
  4. Semmentvloer

    64x Nether Star giveaway (Oneblock Glacier)

    Hello, my name is Sem and i am giving away 64 nether star on Obglacier. There are 4 Steps: 1 ) Like This Post 2 ) Comment your in game name. 3 ) Comment your discord (If you have no discord i will sent a dm on forums) 4 ) Why do you need it. Winner will be chosen in 2 days. And you can always...
  5. Semmentvloer

    I bought a rank in oneblock before but i do not have the donator rank?

    I bought a rank in oneblock before but i do not have the donator rank? I bought a skyfox rank on oneblock.
  6. Semmentvloer

    Custom referall url

    How do i get a custom referral url. I see @tristan_kamps having it and i thought: Hmm wouldn't it be nice to have one myself. Lmk here below | | VV
  7. Semmentvloer

    How to add images to my signature?

    I wanted to add images to my signature but there was no file option so i chose insert image and i needed to paste a url so i put it in imgur but it did not work,
  8. Semmentvloer

    Martijnsgaap warnt voor geen reden.

    Ik ben dus gewarnt omdat ik hem in pvp tpde, maar dit is oneerlijk want hij ging niet dood en keep inventory staat aan in pvp. Dus zou ik geunwarnt moeten worden? Ja of Nee?