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  1. Koud

    Kingdom sucks, here is why.

    Alright first of I am back (sorta). Second of: I instantly noticed how BAD kingdom really is. I started playing and the first thing I noticed was fishing being meta, and within a week it was nerfed into the ground. Personally a big bummer, but not many people are affected by this. Instead of...
  2. Koud

    Server rules are more ancient than the words written in the bible.

    The rules on the forum and the rules that are enforced aren't the same and it's more than bothering. Today typed: ''??????????????????'' and was warned for character spam. I of course confused and annoyed ask why and how is this character spam, it's one sentence but apparently, there is a rule...
  3. Koud

    Suggestie Kingdoms: Chat-regels

    De chat-regels zijn te streng. Veel andere spelers delen deze mening met mij. Mijn suggestie is hierom dat de regels omtrent swearing iets worden versoepelt. Hieronder bijvoorbeeld het toestaan van: f*ck, gay (in niet discriminerende zin) en kut. Pro's: Mensen worden minder snel gebanned (net...
  4. Koud

    How 2 refund big donation money

    got pretty mutch perm banned for a joke, so how can i get my money back? boys.. i wont break the rules but vapelite still goes strong :>