Search results

  1. Hamster101010

    Auction getting out of hand

    For the people who where on prison earlier, we had a talk about how the auction are. Half of us this the auctions look like crap its full of scams and junk no one wants to buy. I'm not saying get rid of auction but maybe limit it down to 2 auctions a day or something like that. We also talked...
  2. Hamster101010

    Make a story

    ok so it's easy I'm going to start a story and you decide what comes next in the story. here goes nothing xD Once upon a time ... Yep that all I'm giving you now finish the story:p
  3. Hamster101010

    Y so much hate

    ok I've seen a lot of hate towards glazepup I just what to know why. Like everyone is hating on him... Thanks
  4. Hamster101010

    not that much about me but... :>

    Hello I'm Hamster101010 I am 13. My username tells a little about me too my dad and family would often call me hamster because when I was little I would stick food in my cheeks and look like a hamster. The 10 is in my name because when I started playing soccer i picked the number 10. 10 in...