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  1. GladdeNossoNL7

    Minion Giveaway

    Wassup noobs, I am gonna do a big giveaway on skyblock because I dont play it anymore. I will be giving away all my 64 miner minions divided among four people. To enter your giveaway all you have to do is: - Enter your Discord name and tag in the comments - Enter your Minecraft username in the...
  2. GladdeNossoNL7

    Event submission: The Guardian of The Sea

    User name: GladdeNossoNL7 Name of your build? The Guardian of The Sea Screenshots File(s) attached What player warp can visitors use to check out the build? /pwarp go GladdeNossoNL7 What is your minecraft username? GladdeNossoNL7 Rules Yes
  3. GladdeNossoNL7

    Minion Glitch

    Hey ik had al eens een post gedaan over de roamer minion glitch. Maar ze zeiden dat ze het gingen switchen als ik het in een enderchest deed, ik wacht nu 2 weken maar hij is nog steeds niet geswitched.
  4. GladdeNossoNL7

    Minion glitch

    I had a sorter minion out of a legendary crate. It was new for me so I thought let's try some things, then I put it on roam. It became a roamer minion that doesn't do anything but it following u. So please Fix this. I already made a bug report btw. GladdeNossoNL7