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  1. Pink_Husky

    Survival Command

    I recently noticed that the command /echest doesnt show up as a command, (its red when you type it in) but it works fine. I didn't really know where to put this but yeah, just a little thing I saw :D
  2. Pink_Husky

    My Shop’s Dead

    Okay so I didn't want to put this in the report a player thread, because I don’t really have evidence. So, Kaosblastcat (Brokenstarr) and I were married, (in game) then I divorced him and married abs, so he got mad, went to my shop (he was trusted because he helped me build it) and he somehow...
  3. Pink_Husky


  4. Pink_Husky


  5. Pink_Husky

    Is there any way to change euros to dollars?

    Is there any way I change euros to dollars? Just wondering, thanks!