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  1. SprinkledDonut

    I'M FREE

  2. SprinkledDonut


    I still remember when this happened. goat
  3. SprinkledDonut


    How are y'all feeling today?
  4. SprinkledDonut

    Old Screenshot Thread

    Hey, I'm looking through my old screenshots in my appdata, and I wanted to share some old memories I have in my folder. If you have any, feel free to share. <3 Danny, the once in a generation talent Love my supporters Cloak the pullgod Squeker o_o Snoepjesmans doesn't like me ek is a freak
  5. SprinkledDonut


    attention all fortnite gamers. sprinkled donut needs your help, he is trapped in tilted towers and cannot escape without your parents wacky credit card numbers, expiration date, and the three CRAZY numbers on the back (or four on the front :D ) all you have to do is drop the pictures of the...
  6. SprinkledDonut


    I’m headed to Walgreens y’all want anything
  7. SprinkledDonut


    Blue - Actions Orange - Someone talking Bold - A Camper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. Campfire in woods - night Camper 1 walks up to other campers Camper 1 What are you guys...
  8. SprinkledDonut

    Feel old yet?

    I got a challenge/game for everyone. Make a "Remember (name)? This is him now. (Picture) Feel old yet? Ill start out: Remember C2OBezerk? This is him now, Feel old yet?
  9. SprinkledDonut

    See you soon..

  10. SprinkledDonut

    Furthest coords?

    Anyone gotten past 100k, 250k, 500k? Comment your highest hehe
  11. SprinkledDonut

    Revamp maybe? :)

    Stay tuned.. ;)
  12. SprinkledDonut

    Death Row

    So let's say you're on death row, what would your final meal request be? To be honest I'd just eat so much ice cream I'd die before they killed me
  13. SprinkledDonut

    Some tunes

    pt 3 will be even more lit than these two combined
  14. SprinkledDonut

    Time Machine

    If you could go back in time and change anything you wanted, what would you change? Would you go back to create Google? Would you write famous songs? Leave a comment! ;) I personally would just go back and bet loads of money on races and sports and gain a fortune.
  15. SprinkledDonut

    New General Manager / Rank Manager for Foxcraft?

    This is just an opinion based thread. Do not spread hate or I will not hesitate to get this thread closed Vote who you think @cloakfox should make the new Manager of Foxcraft! (Kind of like xExecutorx) Also, vote wisely. There is no changing your vote.
  16. SprinkledDonut

    You had one job cloak

    Check the url, it says Sponors lol VVV
  17. SprinkledDonut

    Yet another giveaway..

    OptiFine Cape giveaway! This may not be footage of me playing on Foxcraft, but I made Foxcraft have a little cameo in the comments :P
  18. SprinkledDonut

    Please read.

    Okay, I'm going to keep it 100 with y'all. Throughout my Foxcraft playing days I have made plenty of friends, and maybe some people who don't like me. (No, I'm not quitting) Just listen to what I have to say real fast So, my me and my family recently moved to Costa Rica. My parents did so much...
  19. SprinkledDonut

    Plug.DJ reboot- Dubtrack!

    Hey, I know I made a a while back and it died eventually but I want this to stand. I made a "" for the Foxcraft server. It is almost identical to and I hope everyone enjoys it. (There are limitations, such as 5 minute song max and 80 minutes until you can play it...
  20. SprinkledDonut


    So I was watching the Back to the Future series today (I-III) and I discovered something pretty interesting. So my brother's birthday is October 21st, 2004. My birthday is September 2nd, 2002. In the second movie they go to October 21st, 2015, and in the third movie they go to September 2nd...