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    Updated Introduction

    Hello Foxcraft! As you can see, I have once again created another introduction.. This is because I have changed my interests since my last intro, so why not make another? I'll list some facts about myself below. My name is Grace Elizabeth, you can call me either one. My birthdate is January...
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    So proud

    Me and @Falloutknight4 are just extolling ourselves for making it to the leader board. 0 Kills.
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    Hello everyone, today I have decided it is time to reveal the true story about my father, or our current Helper TotalMM. His true age is 69, and He works at McDonalds which is owned by Donald trump, and has hideous red warts on the bottom of his chin and side of his nose. He murdered my Mother...
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    As you all know, the movie Suicide Squad just came out, and the movie is amazing. As you can tell by the title, I've decided to create the Squad. You may choose your character. I have chosen Harley. Katana Deadshot Killer Croc Rick Flag Joker Captain Boomerang El Diablo Harely Quinn (Taken)...
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    Helper Applications!

    Since helper apps are coming out quite soon, I was wondering if anyone was applying? Or any predications? Because I have no clue on who's applying.
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    I'm positive most players know what Post-Farming is. If not, keep reading. What is Post-farming you may ask? Post-Farming is posting useless comments in threads. Examples: "Thanks," or "I agree." Those are a couple examples of Post-farming. Just because people Post-farm does not mean you have...
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    Roast Yourself challenge

    Hey, Foxcrafters! Today I've decided to post something called Roast Yourself Challenge. You technically just post things that are related to what haters say about you, and turn it into a rap. Make up your own! Here's mine, don't judge; Hey it's Monroe, wait that's not my name. Cuz no one can...
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    Another Introduction!

    As you can probably tell by the title, this is an introduction thread. I made on a little while back, on this forum but I didn't really give out much information, so I might as well just make another one. I joined Foxcraft Semptember 3d, 2012. When gold ol' CACTUS_JONES and Caramel_Kitty were...
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    Activity Minimizing.

    Hello, everyone- You can probably tell what this thread's purpose is; I have not been on Foxcraft for three months. People have been asking me where I have been, and why I've left, so here you go; This may be a sign of leaving. I have been very busy with activities, and have not been able to get...
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    My apologizes, for new attitude…

    Hey, guys. I don't know if you could tell, but if you could, my attitude moved from being respectful, to being a jerk. I'm really sorry, I don't know why I was acting like this. I guess it's just some stage where you get angry at every little thing. But that's no excuse. I was disrespectful...
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    I'd like to read what you guys enjoy doing for hobbies. The number limit on this thread shall be; Ten, or under. Not really a long thread, but at least it has a point to it. My hobbies: 1). Dancing 2). Hanging out with friends 3). Playing Foxcraft, of course. 4). Drawing 5). Reading 6)...
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    Longing for the taste of spring, with the fragrance of cherry blossoms filling the air. As the birds fly around, and happily sing, there's nothing that can quite compare. Reminding us that all is well, even when things look quite bleak. Inhaling the sweetest succulent smell, giving us the...
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    Everyone's weekend routine

    As you can see, I'm disturbingly bored, so I've decided to see what everyone does on weekends, or in their free time. I'm not an interesting person, but I'll just state what I usually do. You'll eventually figure out that I'm a type of person who enjoys the outdoors. 1.) Sleep in late, or at...
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    One tree can start a forest: One smile can begin a friendship; One hand can lift a soul; One word can frame the goal; One candle can wipe out the darkness; One laugh can conquer gloom; One hope can raise your spirits; One touch to show that you care; One life can make the difference. Be that...
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    Thank you.

    This is a shout out to very important people in my life, and I feel like they deserve a thank you. They're all amazing. MagiMarble/Magu: You're honestly one of the sweetest girls I know, you're smart, and funny. Even when you're not around just thinking about you brightens my day. You're a...
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    Free Profile Photos.

    As you can, by this Title, this is a Free Profile Photo giveaway. I will choose the winner by using a random name picker. To enter this contest, please fill out the questions below: What is Your IGN?: What Design of background would you like?: Do you want your Username on the Photo?: Is There a...
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    Happy Birthday Lilly!

    Happy Birthday, Lilly! (Aka my big fat sugar plum), have a wonderful 5th Birthday! xoxo, - Mommy Grace
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    RIP Cloak

    Best moment ever. @cloakfox
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    Message from me

    I've heard many negative words of what people think of themselves. I created this thread to tell you All, that you're incredible amazing people, who can do great things. Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need of anyone else's approval. If you think you're ugly...
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    Most Embarrassing Moment

    I've decided to make a thread, since I haven't fashioned one in a while- This time the thread is talking about whats the most Embarrassing Thing that's ever happened to you? Mine would be the time in a Dance Production I was in The Nutcracker, and I crossed over my legs, then I tripped over...