Search results

  1. planecool

    Bring back Factions

    Bring back factions, kingdoms is just a shitty downgrade of factions. This time was lit as **** @cloakfox @ExInfinity @JoeyH007 @Arktic7 @MasterSniper @Yoahi @11kobeer @SkyStrifeMC @MosonPlayz
  2. planecool

    New Record for Mob Arena

    I changed my name from planecool to Nomadical btw, but we got bored and set the record yesterday lol
  3. planecool


    Just made a rocket leauge video, go show it some love!
  4. planecool

    New Video

    Just made a rocket leauge vid, go show it some love!
  5. planecool

    Skyblock Selling alt

    I am selling my alt, let me know if you want to buy :)
  6. planecool

    Check it out

  7. planecool

    Coming Out the Closet

    Arktic found out he was not totally gay, just a little gay #LateForComingOutDay
  8. planecool

    Favorite Meme

    Post your favorite meme, here's mine This isn't necessarily a game, but I think it fits here :D
  9. planecool

    The Massacre at Mt. Tinty

    This was the day that many noobs were massacred at Mount Tinty. It all started as @ExInfinity @_Arktic and I were playing King of the Hill in the wild on what was known as Factions Vulcan. Then @ExInfinity decided to mine out the mountain we were on and replace it with about a dub of TNT, this...
  10. planecool

    I only came for the cake

    So, I was just chilling on Prison in pvp today, and I killed a naked just walking around, and all of the sudden BAMMMM he exploded into cakes. I was very confused, i decided to further investigate and realized that this person had dubs of cakes. I just thought this was super random and decided...
  11. planecool

    The Ultimate Game!

    Post the funniest picture/meme you can find! Heres mine!
  12. planecool

    New Season?

    For the new season of factions that will be coming soon, what does the community want to be in the new season of factions? Custom Enchants, mcmmo, ect...
  13. planecool

    Epic Castle? Or Not?

    Since I don't really play skyblock all that much, i decided to go ahead and build an a Castle on my Skyblock Island. I would like to say thanks to @MosonPlayz for funding this operation. Go to /is warp planecool and drop a rating in the hopper ?/10. :)
  14. planecool

    Factions Magma

    As many people know, factions magma has been duped on. Due to a duping glitch that existed on old factions, people are now able to dupe. People have duped anything you can imagine, from ig's, armor, and even vote keys. I think that the factions magma server should be reset in order to start a...
  15. planecool

    What language/languages can you speak?

    This is a forum where I am curious what languages everyone can speak. Tell me what langues you can speak. I can speak English and German. My native language is English :)
  16. planecool

    sooooo many hearts XD

    I was testing out the new custom potions today, and realized they are op af! Here is how many hears I was able to get. post your favorite custom pot! with a god apple, you could get two more hearts I think!
  17. planecool


    Where do you post a helper application?
  18. planecool

    Prison Vote Keys

    Your in-game name: Planecool Type of transaction (Trading/Selling/...): Trading Good (Tokens/Money/Items/...): vote keys Description: I have 27 vote keys in prison Trading/Selling/... for: I am looking for stuff in factions Offer ends: When I feel like I have a good offer :D
  19. planecool

    Got a favorite plane?

    Hi I'm planecool! If you haven't known, I love planes, my favorite planes are the A10 Thunderbolt and the P-51 Mustang. I love the P-51 because my grandpa flew it during WWII. He has passed away now but he was awesome! If you have a favorite plane comment! I would love to see if anyone else out...
  20. planecool

    Pokemon Squad Coming Back?

    I was just wondering if the Pokemon Squad was going to be coming back or i fit was not going to be, comment on if you want it to come back or if you don't!