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  1. jayxkrazies


    Hi guys, As you can see from the title of this thread, I am resigning. This probably isn’t a huge surprise though since I have been really inactive for the past few months. I wasn’t going to make this thread because I didn’t want to make this a big deal, but since I have been a staff on...
  2. jayxkrazies

    Minecraft Error Message

    Hey guys, so I've been having some trouble with my computer lately (it just over all being slow and freezing randomly when I run anything), but on the slim occasion that I am able to open up minecraft, I get this error message: I was wondering...
  3. jayxkrazies


    Hey guys, Most of you all know me, but for those who don't, I guess I'll make an introduction thread to explain some useless information about me because why not. IGN/Name/Age: My IGN is jayxkrazies, but feel free to call me Jesse. I am also currently 16 years old. Minecraft Past: I first...