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  1. Dipsy

    Reset? :D

    We need a kingdoms reset. There are currently 3 people online. We dont need new features (although it would be nice), just a refreshng new map to get everyone playing again. Just think about how much people have enjoyed every reset so far. Enough said. ~Dipsy
  2. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    hey Everyone , I know this thread has been done for a certain amount of time but I wanted to give it 1 last try , I also have some reasons why I think this , I will explain all of it in this thread , if there are any questions please leave a comment ( for the staff please give me a chance to be...
  3. Dipsy

    Add flint in /shop

    Flint may come in handy for armour stand edits , please add it to the shop becuase it is a much clever way to get it
  4. Dipsy

    Disbanding kingdoms

    If a kingdom is made and all the players leave the kingdom the kingdom will still excist , there will be claimed land forever becuase no one can join anymore , all the stuff wil be gone the same as the base may we can turn this of or make their claims unneutral so it is challangable
  5. Dipsy

    extra Skills

    In the past factions we had extra luck stamina and stuff We couldve earned them from jobs I would like to see this concept back espacially luck / stamina it makes fights and farming a lot better
  6. Dipsy


    It should be Nice if there wil be a /spar command to challenge your teammate / ally to fight till you have a couple amount of hearts , this will come in handy if you wanna train your skills amd dont want to get killed . Possible commands / thoughts /spar <name> /spar accept /spar deny /spar...