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  1. WimPamPet

    I’m back!

    Hey, I decided to come back to Foxcraft! So I’m finally back after a month!!! I hope I can have much fun on this server!
  2. WimPamPet

    Thanks for all Foxcraft <3

    Hey, The last 3 months were amazing for me on Foxcraft! But I decided to quit Foxcraft, it’s because I want to focus on school more, and because I don’t have much motivation left to play Foxcraft. You can maybe see me 1 time, but not at much as when I started to play on Foxcraft. So I want to...
  3. WimPamPet

    Introduction time :)

    Hey! Some people know me already, bit maybe some don’t. I’m Wim. Also known as my ingame name WimKobus. I mostly play on Skyblock and Skywars (often) I’m 13 years old, and I play for like 2/3 months! And the important part. Ronster_ is my broooo <3 <3 <3 Have a nice day =D
  4. WimPamPet

    Your favourite Helper?

    Hey! In my opinion, all helpers are so good! But my question is, who is your favourite? Let me know in the poll =)
  5. WimPamPet

    Favourite MOD?

    Watch title.
  6. WimPamPet

    Mcfoxcraft texture pack?!

    Hey! Should it be a fun idea to make a Mcfoxcraft texture pack? If you want, I can make one!
  7. WimPamPet


    I want to just say, you Staff are the best! I like the way you guys are and just how good you are! I have %100 respect for all staff! Keep up the good work!
  8. WimPamPet

    Obs recording black screen?!

    Hello! I heard many issues from players that their Obs is recording black screen when they want to record hackers. I'm going to show you how to fix the problem! Step 1: Delete all sources. Step 2: Create a new source for your minecraft, (game capture) Step 3: Dont click on Full screen. But...