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  1. Lanuginoso

    Christmas Build Reopened

    :mc_232-0: Hello, Merry Chrysler, and Happy Holidays! :mc_233-0: Since it's about that time to get in the Christmas spirit, I am revisiting the Christmas build I made last year. Can't believe it's already been a year. Last year, the build wasn't open to the public to come inside the...
  2. Lanuginoso

    Bear Mart 2.0 to open 6/8/2020

    Bearmart's new location is in progress and should be done by Monday the 8th of June. I had @Cr00k3d to take photos of the old stores and some of the interior and exterior of the new store, @Hxnsol posed for the photos. The new store will have a food court, a bigger garden center, an auto shop...
  3. Lanuginoso

    What was your first Cell Phone?

    I am curious. This was my first phone. I got it in middle school. I tried looking it up on the internet to see what it was called. I think it was an LG VU plus from searching google. I loved this phone and I had it for a long time until my dog destroyed it then I got an iPhone 3. .
  4. Lanuginoso

    I named my dog

    I decided to name my dog Umi based on the Japanese name Ume which means flower- I chose the name because I think the name Umi is cute and it is original enough for me. Here’s some more photos I took today on our walk. She is also now 2 and a half months old.
  5. Lanuginoso

    I need help naming my puppy

    Hello, I have recently gotten a new pet. She is a labradoodle and she is 2 months old (I think). I need help naming her but I think I have her basic personality down. Right now she is very clumsy but she is learning how to do things like climb stairs and sleep in her kennel alone. Potty...
  6. Lanuginoso

    Who else is been terrorized by KSM’s temperature tantrum?

    Just wondering :)
  7. Lanuginoso

    When will players on Foxcraft be able to have a opinion.

    So, my post was closed asking about perfectly reasonable issues that have to do with the LGBTQ community and a word that describes us. Which is fine, the post can still be liked and shared around which is all that matters to me. My Thread...
  8. Lanuginoso

    When is Gay O.K?

    For a while now the word Gay has been against the rules and a mutable offense. I feel like being gay isn’t an insulting thing at all. There’s a lots of LGBTQ people on Foxcraft anyway, so I really don’t understand the way gay is being taken out of context and made into a mute able offense. I...
  9. Lanuginoso

    I want to build with you

    Hello, again, Its Tyler. I'll keep this short and sweet. I want people to build in my city. I am trying to build an amusement park and some other city builds and I just want a few people that are interested in doing a project together. Do I know what you'll get for helping me? No, ill gauge it...
  10. Lanuginoso

    Dear Ladies and who ever else is interested

    January has just started, but we all know that it will be over soon. February is right around the corner. February 14, 2020 is Valentine’s Day and I have GREAT news for all of you. Have you always wanted someone who answers texts back fast? Sends good morning messages every day? There is a...
  11. Lanuginoso

    What is your New Years resolution?

    My New Years resolution is to be a nicer person this year and get to know a person before I judge them.
  12. Lanuginoso

    I made a Christmas Build that I am proud of

    Hello, Merry Chrysler and Happy Holidays! I build a Christmas build on my claim, across from @mxrdxrhxuse's shop. I've been working on it for a few months now and it has been very stressful for me. I had a lot of stress about it because I felt that I had promised this build to a lot of people...
  13. Lanuginoso

    Thankful for people I’ve met here because It’s Thanksgiving

    I just want to wish all of my friends, even if you’re not from America, a happy Thanksgiving! Thankful for all of you and I hope whatever you’re doing today is great! I was going to write why I am thankful for all of my friends but that was way too long and dramatic so I’ll just list you off...
  14. Lanuginoso

    BearMart -being robbed by legion members again

    So, I went outside today and walked dogs. I decided Its a good thing to do than stay inside all day and I RETURN to being spammed with messages from my chest shop. What happened? ILL TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED. 3091 came to my shop and used a glitch, an exploit, whatever it would be called to steal...
  15. Lanuginoso

    Halloweenie Harrassment

    Me and my friends have been harassed by these Halloween weirdos all-day
  16. Lanuginoso

    I made a supermarket

    My Department store wasn't good enough for me, so I made a supermarket. I expected to open it today, but I'm exhausted from work so I don't know when it will open... but I wanted to share its progress thus far. I'll update the photos until I open the store and change the warp. Much thanks to...
  17. Lanuginoso

    A wholesome game was played on survival today

    I hid rank vouchers and beacons in spawn and people came to find them. It was a very fun game. Here are photos from the game and @6vzzzzzz Winning everything because hes a scam artist. Anyway, ill do this instead of selling the rank vouchers for now on and just sell what people don't find...
  18. Lanuginoso

    I made a shop and I'm proud of it so please visit

    Hi Now that I'm back from moving into my house I wanted to do a build and finish it this time... so I build a shop. It's a normal chest shop but its bigger.. and has different departments. It has an outdoor area, food, cute little carts, and iron golems walking around to greet you. I am proud...
  19. Lanuginoso

    I’m moving so I will be gone for a little while

    Hi, I’m moving permanently to North Carolina since I bought a house. I’ll be gone for a while because of that since setting my computer and stuff up again won’t be my main priority. I’m excited to be moving states away from my parents— and living on my own! I know probably no one cares...
  20. Lanuginoso

    Check out my billboard near spawn

    Hi, I had nothing to do but be obnoxious so I made this billboard at @bloo_the_fluff's base. Hope you all enjoy. I took photos with @Hidden_Galaxy. I made this billboard without fly so I died alot. @cloakfox @Greywords I hope you approve ;) Peaceout :mc_e_102: