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  1. PrinceTobi

    Just Started My Channel

  2. PrinceTobi

    Build Project Ideas:

    Hi, I do a lot of huge plot projects on Creative. And.... I need ideas. As of this year, I've worked on: FoxCity, Camp Half-Blood, Asgard, Theme Park and a Town. What should I do next?
  3. PrinceTobi


    Hey, I'm Fretrz (Tobias) and if you don't know me I wanna change that. Let's be friends :D
  4. PrinceTobi

    Foxcraft Pride

    Due to quarantine, most LGBT players won't be able to go to Pride this year. To show our support to all of them, we're going to to host a Pride event next weekend! If you wish to help set up the events please say!
  5. PrinceTobi

    Why I may be leaving Foxcraft...

    I've been playing on this server since I can remember. Maybe 6/7yrs ago? Idk. A cousin introduced me to it and I lvoed it. Played skywars everyday. Played survival. Battled mobs in arenas. Started creative when I got into building. All was good. Then every year, I would apply for staff. Now I...
  6. PrinceTobi

    Trees, Houses & Treehouses

  7. PrinceTobi

    Photography For The Bennington-Allen Wedding

    Some photos taken for the wedding between DrJekyllOrMrHyde and MrHydeOrDrJekyll.
  8. PrinceTobi

    Building Project Idea

    Hey, if you haven't seen me online before, which is a little weird seeing as this year will be my fifth year on Foxcraft (the server not the forums), my name's Tabby. I was wondering out of the community of people who are regularly on the creative server if anyone would like to work on a giant...
  9. PrinceTobi

    It's been a long time...

    If you didn't know I basically live on the Foxcraft Creative server, but that wasn't how it started. Back in 2014, my cousin said to me: " Tabby wanna check out this cool skywars server." My initial thought was, great another game I can die in. But being the kind, and he says annoying, cousin I...
  10. PrinceTobi

    Staff PLease Help Me!

    Hi I'm trying to apply for staff. Ive read information and have the format ready to copy and paste. However where do I apply as I don't not have the permissions to post a thread in that section. Please help.
  11. PrinceTobi

    Favourite Gamemode & Why

    What is your fave Foxcraft gamemode and why? My favourite is creative as you have endless possibilities of what you can do
  12. PrinceTobi

    My First Foxcraft Youtube Video On My New Channel

    This Is My SkyBlock Video! Please check it out as I love entertaining people and this server <3
  13. PrinceTobi

    YouTube Rank Help

    Hey I have an awful computer which allows me to stream but not record and upload. I can stream and let the stream stay like a normal YouTube video if that's possible to gain a Rank like this please say
  14. PrinceTobi

    Username Changes Help

    If you play creative, factions, kingdoms, skywars, kitpvp or just happen to see me join the lobby you'd know I have a lot of ranks. On skywars - VIP+ / On creative - Shadowfox / On kitpvp - VIP+ / and the member rank on everything else. However I wish to change my username and I will not until...
  15. PrinceTobi

    I Joined The Forums??????

    Hi and if you don't know me im B0RNT0B3T4BBY and I have played on Foxcraft for a long time but have never been on the forums! I have a