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  1. Light4132

    Been a while...

    What happened to skywars? Was it removed? If not I'm having trouble finding it.
  2. Light4132


    I didn't even play yesterday and today i won like 5 games...
  3. Light4132

    It's my birthday...

    birthdays are just a reminder to one that he's becoming older and death is approaching...
  4. Light4132

    Message to the people of the minecraft community...

    In recent time, there has been something that's a ****** to this community; Minecraft pedophilles. Now, I shouldn't have to say this (partially because most should already know this) but I feel compelled to... Just because you get friendly with someone doesn't make them trustworthy. This here...
  5. Light4132

    It was just a prank...

  6. Light4132


    It has been evident that most people I have encountered on the server do not know which your/you're and they're/their to use. I won't lie, I actually had the same issue. When I first started playing minecraft, back then I was younger and more stupid, was when I got the words confused...
  7. Light4132


    Hello everyone. I've been on the forums for about 2 years (as well as the server), and I'd like to welcome everyone back to this new forums, for better or worst. A little bit about me: I dislike most people, and my goal is to piss people off. In conclusion, don't follow me on the forums, and...
  8. Light4132


    Why was there a need for change in the forums? Personally, I liked the old one better. I accomplished some things that I feel the need to do over, such as; reaching 2k messages, getting positive ratings, building a reputation, etc. Hopefully I get used to this because I doubt, we'd get the old...