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  1. ItsJustxn

    New Username! -I Keep Changing :)-

    Hey Guys! Its Justttinnnn! As you can see My new Username is _ItsJustin_ YAYAYAYAYAY Anyways My Original Username was _JustinPlayz_! So yea I Just wanted to say that BYeeeee :)
  2. ItsJustxn

    Poor People

    Hey Guys! Justin!!!!! Here Anyways i just wanted to say "Sorry for all the people that got bullied today here on prison :("Anyways Bullying has caused so much damage over the years. It has caused depression and even suicides. To bully is to show cowardice. A bully puts others down, usually with...
  3. ItsJustxn


    Hey Guys Most Of You Know me (Not Really xD)My name is Justin Ive Been around Foxcraft Around a year or so? Anyways I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. , I like to Make Friends; I like to Play, I like to dream...
  4. ItsJustxn

    New Accounts?

    Ayeee Guyss My Name is justin!. And i was wondering Did we have to make new accounts for the new forums? I Was very confused? When i couldn't find my account i was gonna FREAK OUT So Badly XDDDD Anyways Thats All i Wanted to say Bye! -Justin!