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  1. jackinthebox

    Last post was in 2016, thought I'd say Hey again.

    Hello @everyone, Last time I posted on here everyone was really hostile to me for whatever reason I can only wonder why... but I just wanted to say hello to the current Foxcraft community and how is everyone doing!
  2. jackinthebox


    Hello everybody So i'm "JackInTheBox" as of making this that is my username And I make youtube videos. but I don't think the staff likes my videos. I also make photoshop creations, Blender Creations, helping on...
  3. jackinthebox

    Hacking in KitPVP 3 The End

    DISCLAIMER I DO NOT RECCOMEND HACKING AS IT CAN GET YOU BANNED FROM YOUR MOST LIKED SERVER DO NOT HACK So this is my last hacking on Foxcraft video for now, I do admit now I was the one hacking even thought everyone allready knew that I put the alt i was using in the video its...
  4. jackinthebox

    Hacking in KitPVP 2

    So I "Found" another new video on kitpvp since the mods closed my last thread here is another one I "found"
  5. jackinthebox

    Offering to make a Intro, Outro Or Profile Pic

    Anyone want a intro outro or profile pic? comment "JackInTheRock (item you want)" FIRST ONE TO DO THIS WINS Previous work And More... These are what I have saved on this hard drive. You can ask me to try and ill take more time but it will take a longer time for me to get it out to you.
  6. jackinthebox

    Offering to make a dank profile pic.

    First to reply with "jackinthebox is good" Ill make them a Mlg Dank profile pic 100% memes
  7. jackinthebox

    Hacking In KitPVP

    Enjoy this is my video for you guys.