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  1. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Now i also have a print screen with @jayxkrazies See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPpRVZyZ1QZXF1nUX6 I also have with @cloakfox / @JPlay08 / @MechPotato / @Snoop / @11kobeer / @TotalMM / @Jaywiz ツ / @rodrikes Also with @C2Obezerk // Zerky See it here...
  2. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Now i also have a print screen with @Jaywiz ツ See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPpG0cNsNEkYy2XWpG I also have with @cloakfox / @JPlay08 / @MechPotato / @Snoop / @11kobeer / @TotalMM Also with @rodrikes See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPpG7KReJ_BZ5RvruC
  3. ShadowIT


    I'm the first posting on this forum. xD :)
  4. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    GG Print sreen with @TotalMM I am also helping him learning portuguese See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPonkoS1IUCJkKGfAO I also have with: @cloakfox / @MechPotato / @JPlay08 / @Snoop / @11kobeer
  5. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    New print screen with @cloakfox to my collection! See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPomgg44vfknQw6Nbd GG
  6. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Now i have print sreen with @11kobeer and also of his great work on the spawn of @MechPotato See them here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPomYGBPtztt8oxf9b I also have print screen with @JPlay08 / @cloakfox / @MechPotato / @Snoop / @11kobeer
  7. ShadowIT


    Hello everyone! How you know @cloakfox is making a new OP-prison. I can say you that he new update is great: new spawn and pvp arena, new systems and a reset obviously because the players were too op. Expect too much for his this upgrade! It will be released in 21 October (friday). You can also...
  8. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Print screen with @MechPotato and @Faast !! See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPol2naWY2ePqdrO2V I also have with @cloakfox / @Snoop / @JPlay08
  9. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Print screen with @JPlay08 gg See it here:!Aq_kZluh_aSPolsgzjEIkl6uWfO7 I also have with @cloakfox / @MechPotato and now with @JPlay08
  10. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    GG print screen with @cloakfox Here it is:!Aq_kZluh_aSPok9qTxO6wiMkOL_b @MechPotato now i have 2 prints xD
  11. ShadowIT

    Print screen

    Print with @MechPotato!!!