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  1. SoYannick

    Skyblock nametags

    hi, Is there a way to get nametags in skyblock? @cloakfox @Justinc2522 @Yoahi
  2. SoYannick

    Skyblock vote

    oh hi there people. When can we vote on skyblock?
  3. SoYannick


    Hi there, A couple months ago, a hacker came and gave a lot of people millions of money and staff told us they are going to reset it or something idk. But they never did so my questions is: Are you guys going to reset svulcan? or only the money from the people who got those millions because it...
  4. SoYannick

    Easter Egg

    Am I the first one with Ron who found this Easter-Egg? (and LORD xD)
  5. SoYannick

    My story

    Hi Foxcrafters and fans, A lot of you are surprised that I am demoted. I will explain to you in this thread a little of the reason why. But first I want to thank @cloakfox and @11kobeer for giving me a chance to be a helper and being able to help Foxcraft. A little fun history about me...
  6. SoYannick

    Blindness and nausea

    hi, Can someone tell me how I make blindness and nausea pots on skyblock? SoYannick
  7. SoYannick


    Hello, my name is soossososoosyannnick. I never made a introduction so here I am. Im a random dutch kid who plays a lot on Foxcraft skyblock (/sglacier). Is it possible, that I can/have friends on here? Because I have no friends... Cya <3