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  1. EenhoornJelmer


    How much hits does it tkae to remove bedrock? Or is it unbreakable?
  2. EenhoornJelmer

    Pistons can't push ores in a cobble gen?!

    Today i was making a cobblestone generator, and i came to the problem with the pistons(and sticky I tried both). And the pistons only push the stone blocks, and the will left the ores.. I made a video of it to show you:
  3. EenhoornJelmer

    NoLogixJustR8kt and Mahemi_games hacks

    Dear staff, I got a record from Mahemi_games with a toggle thats very good to see. You saw the head spins in 5sec and than she/he toggled. When we were fighting Mahemi_games, NoLogixJustR8kt came in. And the hacks are way toooooo obvious.. EenhoornJelmer
  4. EenhoornJelmer

    zkiller1374 hacks (killaura, reach and auto armor).

    Dear staff, Today i was in pvp and spotted a hacker called zkiller1374. So i recorded him to show you his hacks. In the video you can see that he eat his gapp while he hitted me with the gapp.. If you watch you can see that he is trying to hit antinightmare (he was in godmode) while he was...