Search results

  1. GeenJeremy_

    Trial chamber Phase

    hey everyone I know this sounds completly random but maybe we can add a trial chamber phase as soon as the 1.21 items such as the heavy core and all those good things are available so players can atleast have a chance of obtaining these items. Not only because the mace is cool but also to give...
  2. GeenJeremy_

    winner september giveaway

    Hey everyone i am very happy to announce the winner of the giveaway the winner of the giveaway is Back to back Txaa. gratz for winning again Txaa the 2nd place package is won by Dark_Agent 445 when you are available to collect your reward you can Dm me on Discord to see if i am also available...
  3. GeenJeremy_

    Giveaway time (again

    Hi Everyone. i'm kinda back so imma do a lil giveaway were i'll give away a rank voucher some money some spawners and some minions to enter the giveaway you need to do a couple of things 1: leave DC tag and Ingame name in the comments 2: name your favorite song in comments :D as for my favorite...
  4. GeenJeremy_

    Winner birthday giveaway

    Hi everyone i'm happy yo announce that Txaa has won the Giveaway!!! Gratz to Txaa and ty all for participating. send me a message on discord when you are available to claim your reward (ofc if i am available at that set moment as i will not be able to give it right now) with kind regarts...
  5. GeenJeremy_

    skills system explained

    hi everyone in Skyblock you can level up you skills level which can benefit a player in different ways. i'll briefly explain how to level you're skills level and what it gives. 1 : woodcutting. Woodcutting gives players 2 strength points and 2 crit damage points and you can level woodcutting...
  6. GeenJeremy_


    hi everyone. i wanted to talk about this for quite some time so yeah. maybe its time to add some more spawners to the spawnershop to give players more options for mobfarms. so i suggest adding some of the spawners from the crates like mooshroom spawners to the spawner shop and adding some...
  7. GeenJeremy_

    Birthday giveaway

    hi everyone i know i know i just announced the winner for my valentines giveaway but i wanted to get this out asap. i know my birthday is still a month away but that will give me some time to collect some things to give away. so yeah for my birthday i'm also doing a giveaway were i'll be...
  8. GeenJeremy_

    winner valentines giveaway

    Hi everyone i wanted to say congratz COWBOYDANCER for winning the giveaway Ty all for competing and goodluck in my next giveaway (which will prob happen around my birthday in march) FoxGod GeenJeremy_ is out
  9. GeenJeremy_

    Slimefun speed

    can we increase the slimefun ticking speed again please. the slow ticking speed forces us to make MORE machines which causes EVEN more lagg then have 5 machines working at normal speed. maybe add a chunklimit on how many Slimefun machines you can have in one chunk With kinda regarts...
  10. GeenJeremy_

    Slayer minions

    alright imma go straight to the point. Slayer minions SUCK. they deal very little damage (it takes forever to kill a single mob wich is even worse because mobs stack) so #makeSlayerminionsgreat because as it stands now they are kinda useless. maybe increase their damage so they can atleast...
  11. GeenJeremy_

    a small little guide to make money for new players

    Hi everyone i wanted to do this for a long time because i have noticed newer players struggle to earn money so here is a guide on how to make money for new/returning players. 1: certain players have *Profitshops* where you buy items such as nether wart for really cheap to sell it in the...
  12. GeenJeremy_


    Hi everyone. its time for another Giveaway. this time for valentines day. i'll be giving away some minions some spawners and spawn eggs. and a rank voucher of some sort. i will announce the winner on feb 14th around 19.00. to enter the giveaway all you have to do is: Leave your discord name and...
  13. GeenJeremy_

    Winner New year giveaway

    Hi everyone i am super happy to announce our big winners for my new year giveaway congratulations to TayDai for winning the new year giveaway also congratz to tumTum5 for winning 2nd place thank you all for participating and have a great 2023 Contact me on DC so i know when you are ready to...
  14. GeenJeremy_

    Daily shop items

    Hi everyone alot of items are still not added to the daily shop such as crimson Nylium and the fungi. i would love them to add more items to the daily shop so that we have more options to build with. also add some more loot to the pinata (not the crate just the pinata) as most items that drop...
  15. GeenJeremy_

    New year giveaway

    Hi there everyone its almost 2023 and i wanted to start the year with a little giveaway i'll be giving a couple of minions (including a farmer and seller) some spawners and a shadowfox voucher and some other things away. to join all you have to do is write your MC name and Discord name under...
  16. GeenJeremy_

    Giveaway time

    hi loyal SB community. as many of you know i have not been very active on Sb as of lately. so i have decided to do a giveaway for ya'll. imma give away a couple of minions (including a farmer minion) about 50mil and alot of other things. all you have to do to enter is DM me on DC using your IG...