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  1. ExInfinity

    21 average

    :mc_1-0: my mom has the herps also whats ur fav Minecraft block :mc_dirt: :mc_diamond:
  2. ExInfinity


    Hey @planecool remember when we used to play factions together when it was goot #2016Vibes #Pandora
  3. ExInfinity

    Factions Changelog

    Hi so around every reset I make a forum post where I suggest a lot of fixes and changes I think should be added to factions. So here is the new one for the first reset of 2019 Factions Claims A big problem with factions has been the lack of raids. There are still people that play, and bases to...
  4. ExInfinity

    How fast can yall type

    best time I got today, I think the best I've ever gotten is like 108 wpm or somethin Fastest ive ever gotten in one moment and not just on a test is 122 wpm
  5. ExInfinity

    Fixing cannons on Factions

    So recently @cloakfox changed Factions so that water and lava no longer protect blocks at all. This means that factions bases are easier to raid. However, this also made cannons basically unusable. Now obviously, this needs to be fixed. The whole point of making it so that water/lava doesn't...
  6. ExInfinity

    Video watch it pls thx

    You should watch this video my channel is dead thx
  7. ExInfinity

    Planecool's transition (18+)

    @planecool XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD sorry but i couldnt help but post this xd xd xd
  8. ExInfinity

    very important

    ligmaaaaa xd .
  9. ExInfinity

    A Basic How-To Guide to Factions

    Hello, Foxcraft community! I've decided to compose a large forums post that deals with how exactly to play and master the Factions gamemode! Hope that all of you who are new to Factions or who are in general less experienced will find this helpful. So, let's begin. The Objective The objective...
  10. ExInfinity

    Bring back 2016/2017 Factions

    All of the Fox. Factions players reading this probably know what I mean by that title. We want back the style and look of Factions from back in its golden days. Here is a list where I explain basically what that means. Chat Chat is a big part of Factions, but now it is so bland its boring. You...
  11. ExInfinity

    This is america

    Happy 4th of July This is America woo woo Gunz
  12. ExInfinity


    my channel is ded so plz halp
  13. ExInfinity

    factions!!!!!!!!!! :O :O :O

    LFF I need a faction to join not going by myself this season because that's too much work. So whooooooo
  14. ExInfinity

    The new season of Factions @cloakfox

    Greetings all the still existent members of Foxcraft. And @cloakfox Today I'm going to bring up some suggestions about changes to Fox. Factions, considering the reset should (last reset was Jan. 19). Enchants I know custom enchants are already being added, just want to point out how...
  15. ExInfinity

    Proposal to big facs

    Hello. On behalf of the Godfall faction I am proposing to all the big factions to not build unraidable bases this season. As for our faction, we will not be building one of that sorts. We are not going to be using: any type of regen wall besides regular regens; no slabs, cobwebs, enchantment...
  16. ExInfinity

    Big pvp fight

    kids I want to have a massive pvp fight on Sunday (tomorrow) and Monday on factions. Make sure to come on the pvp fight will be sometime around 11 am est or whenever. let's have some fun
  17. ExInfinity

    . consider this

    This is a post for @cloakfox and @iBrady regarding the factions reset. Now I don't think this has been taken too seriously in resets past for Factions, but what I want to discuss is cannoning. This past season cannoning has not worked (I mean it works to an extent, but that's it). All I and the...
  18. ExInfinity

    Community: Prepubescent Innocent Children

    Hello. Today I want to discuss the community. Foxcraft has become such a censored server over the last year and it's completely terrible. The rules seem to suggest that the server is constructed of little children who have barely made it out of elementary school when, in reality, Foxcraft's...
  19. ExInfinity

    RE: Factions - read

    Hello I want to make a compilation of the best/richest raids on Fox and I need some help. If you have any good raids (only taking them starting from 2016 and on) tell me about them (images/videos would help)
  20. ExInfinity

    Factions Season 6 Change log official thread

    Hello fellow people of the internet. Today we're going to be discussing the Factions reset unless some tards start a flame war in the replies. So first off, @cloakfox follow me on Twitter fam it would absolutely skyrocket my ego. Secondly, let's pray that @iBrady puts some (all) of this into...