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  1. Chaos_Recker37

    Top Ten Foxcraft PvPers of all Time!

    ive beaten teske and dylan before
  2. Chaos_Recker37

    Top Ten Foxcraft PvPers of all Time!

    Oxsar is scary af tho. I honestly think he's #1
  3. Chaos_Recker37

    Top Ten Foxcraft PvPers of all Time!

    ive beaten some of these guys.
  4. Chaos_Recker37

    Staff on Foxcraft be like

    DylanGambino be like: "Imma post a link that doesn't work."
  5. Chaos_Recker37

    I guess its not prison without a little skyblock

    i hate his guts also, thinks hes the stuff, but can hardly back that up with his atrocious pvp skills.
  6. Chaos_Recker37


  7. Chaos_Recker37

    I forgot how to make a new thread

    As you all can tell, i forgot how to post on the forums. Y'all mind helping me?
  8. Chaos_Recker37


    enjoy the server.
  9. Chaos_Recker37

    Record holder?

    i got two bans, do I win?
  10. Chaos_Recker37

    I just watching through the whole video XD, but yeah, you right.

    I just watching through the whole video XD, but yeah, you right.
  11. Chaos_Recker37

    there was one before that.

    there was one before that.
  12. Chaos_Recker37

    Skyblock Island for the OGs

    Quick_Sempro, I remember you, also been playing Foxcraft since around 2013/2014, so yeah.
  13. Chaos_Recker37

    Skyblock Island for the OGs

    probably, just trying to connect with my old friends. And I've been on this server for much longer than my forum age.
  14. Chaos_Recker37

    Skyblock Island for the OGs

    I'm back y'all, and I miss this server so much. Many of you guys don't know me, but I used to be semi-popular with the old players a few years back. I am opening a skyblock island for any of the OGs who still play this server. Message me and if you have a different ign, let me know who you used...
  15. Chaos_Recker37

    Every Ride Has To End.

    ok ok, I said I would be done 11 weeks ago, but damn that is so true. and also, it was one of my friends over at the time, he was hacking around several accounts that I have no idea how he got (hacked client being LiquidBounce), I had asked him several times to stop, but he would not listen, so...
  16. Chaos_Recker37

    Every Ride Has To End.

    this is my last post, see you all on a different time. Regarding the hacks: I don't know what was going on, but everything is normal now, it is fine. May Foxcraft grow and grow to be better than Hypixel, and then may I return, but for now, see you until the next.
  17. Chaos_Recker37

    Every Ride Has To End.

    omfg Im so dumb.
  18. Chaos_Recker37

    Every Ride Has To End.

    Those flames keep me going m8 lol
  19. Chaos_Recker37

    Every Ride Has To End.

    Thanks man.