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  1. XJarredTheGreatX


  2. XJarredTheGreatX

    Herro! ~KitKat :3

    factions cove is where it's at!
  3. XJarredTheGreatX

    as long as the drama crap stops im fine with him... just dont expect me to take him out for...

    as long as the drama crap stops im fine with him... just dont expect me to take him out for lunch or anything XD
  4. XJarredTheGreatX

    for a while all he would do was post crap on my wall calling me fake and that my pictures...

    for a while all he would do was post crap on my wall calling me fake and that my pictures weren't even me and calling me showy talking crap.... i don't deal with drama people... waste of my time tbh. all id do is delete the post and hed post another stupid statement right after... grow up and...
  5. XJarredTheGreatX

    we don't talk much because everytime you say somthing its some bullshit drama.... stop acting...

    we don't talk much because everytime you say somthing its some bullshit drama.... stop acting innocent
  6. XJarredTheGreatX

    hey world :D

    hey world :D
  7. XJarredTheGreatX

    The Time Has Come To Grief Foxcraft!!!!

    anytime dude, anytime
  8. XJarredTheGreatX

    The Time Has Come To Grief Foxcraft!!!!

    Muahahhha hide your kids hide your wife I'm coming to grief you all!!
  9. XJarredTheGreatX

    The Time Has Come To Grief Foxcraft!!!!

    This is it.... I make my first and last attack on Foxcraft.... i will be showing myself completely griefing skywars spawn area! BOW DOWN TO ME PEASANTS!
  10. XJarredTheGreatX

    Opening 6 Voting Chests {Song: Warriors Of Love}

    hey man... once you just try it out a few times it wont be scary anymore :D if its because you might be younger and your voice isn't completely there yet... well who cares what anyone else thinks! do youtube for you, not for anyone else... make it your enjoyment, and forget the haters!
  11. XJarredTheGreatX

    Cobblestone Generator Designs?

    np my dude
  12. XJarredTheGreatX

    Cobblestone Generator Designs?

    obviously not mine lol... i cant even make a redstone clock
  13. XJarredTheGreatX

    YouTube | Skywars | Sucking Today

    whats with the esp box around the players? like at 2:25.... thats tracers and player esp.... whaaa?
  14. XJarredTheGreatX


    its because there are no kits for non donors... it should be ranking system where as you kill people you level up... and each level is a new kit... therfore people have actually rankup and work for new kits
  15. XJarredTheGreatX


  16. XJarredTheGreatX


  17. XJarredTheGreatX

    Help with redstone!!!!

    redstone is actually limited to prevent lag.
  18. XJarredTheGreatX

    You won't see me..

    can i has your stuff on the server? plz
  19. XJarredTheGreatX

    Keep it up :D i bet you can get scholarships from being on it!

    Keep it up :D i bet you can get scholarships from being on it!
  20. XJarredTheGreatX

    Gratz dude! that's a sweet accomplishment!

    Gratz dude! that's a sweet accomplishment!