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  1. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Lol yeah I'm hacking for sure

    dude hackers only hack because they suck at pvp.. :>
  2. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x


    I don't understand what this is suppose to prove. .
  3. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Skyblock vote

    voting is very helpful for people who have no money on skyblock like me ;> so +1 for me
  4. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x


    It's a pretty convenient idea. +1
  5. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Brady's beautiful house :>

    coming to think about it, bradys house builds have improved a lot since 2 days. I was actually impressed with the build he made yesterday
  6. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    thankssss, sorry for the late reply x

    thankssss, sorry for the late reply x
  7. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    thankkkssss strafeeeeeee, sorry for the late reply ;D

    thankkkssss strafeeeeeee, sorry for the late reply ;D
  8. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Brady's beautiful house :>

    wooo how rude, brady's house is very interesting and beautiful. He's learning adn I'm proud of this dude. You should appreciated that ;>
  9. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Brady's beautiful house :>

    oh helll yeeee. ;D
  10. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Brady's beautiful house :>

    Brady never stop building one day, you're doing great my friend. :>
  11. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Survival Weed Shop

    ah sorry I didn't realize this wasn''t a suggestion.
  12. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Survival Weed Shop

    Weed is a type of drug, so I hardly doubt they'll be adding this suggestion. And another reason why they might not add this suggestion is because you get 7+ children who play on this community. That can lead to younger children smoking week when they're older. so -1 for me
  13. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Voxel Sniper?

    Voxel sniper would be very handy for people who'shad a lot of experience in building and especially for people who just love building. I think it's a pretty convenient idea but, I hardly doubt they'll accept this suggestion because it's connected to w/e, and many people have brought w/e just for...
  14. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x


    Roleplay's do still exist, but not many people do them due to the fact, not many people are very common in creative anymore. Skyblock is one of the most popular at the moment.
  15. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Creative world edit commands

    w/e commands should be for everyone. Not just for higher ranked players. That's a little pathetic sorry to say. And Amber I agree with you on the colour chat. Ranked players should still have the colour chat. Whoever took the chat colour away, there was kinda no point.
  16. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Creative world edit commands

    Well even if it is for higher ranks, it should be for lower ranks as well. It's a little unfair on others who don't have the money to buy higher ranks just for a few commands.
  17. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x


    That isn't a very convenient response jake, they should do it though. Expecially if they have a rare item and they end up losing it by accident... iIt's happened to me a few times and it's kinda annoying
  18. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x

    Creative world edit commands

    Some commands such as //flip, //rotate etc would be very helpful for people who like to build terrain, Organics and especially symmetrical builds. This would be very helpful, for me and others who enjoy building.
  19. xBryonyBuildsx aka Tia x


    During skyblock, a few people complain about losing there equipment, when they fall off the edge by accident. I was suggesting on changing that by making sure they don't lose there equipment. thank you.