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  1. McDonaldsCEO

    Lava in pvp arena

    It's not that hard to avoid the lava lmao, also next time make a suggestion
  2. McDonaldsCEO

    My presentation

    Can't even cuss on the forums, wuss
  3. McDonaldsCEO

    My presentation

    I bet you a trump supporter tbh, you a wall enthusiast aren't ya bud
  4. McDonaldsCEO

    Hai Guys Iam Kasih

    Welcome, my amigo :D
  5. McDonaldsCEO

    I know, it's unfortunate.

    You need another ban
  6. McDonaldsCEO


    I find it funny that forums is more active than the actual server lmao
  7. McDonaldsCEO

    How to eat a skittle

    I grab the bag, and I eat the skittles like a normal person
  8. McDonaldsCEO


    You looking like you eating that poor poor cat
  9. McDonaldsCEO


  10. McDonaldsCEO

    It's time to stop!

    Fortnite is taking over MC, it's legit Minecraft Survival Games with guns, better building, idiots, and a lot more 3D. It's also full of realistically fake game play, ripped off like 6 games
  11. McDonaldsCEO

    I'm resigning! Bye noobs :P

    Kinda called this but peace mah dude
  12. McDonaldsCEO

    It's time to stop!

    *Cough* Fortnite *Cough*
  13. McDonaldsCEO

    It's time to stop!

    Plus Skyblock's chat is as dead as the 6 players' on Creative so yeah
  14. McDonaldsCEO

    It's time to stop!

    MK well 1. Survival gets quite a bunch of players too 2. Make a suggestion 3. School started so there will be a decrease in players and 4. None of the gamemodes are being deleted for Skyblock
  15. McDonaldsCEO


    Snoop is a haxer tho so :P
  16. McDonaldsCEO


    Of course but not once have I seen anyone muted for "Hurting Someone's Feelings" so :P It's not a big deal
  17. McDonaldsCEO


  18. McDonaldsCEO


    I mean, I agree with bullying not being needed but as @ExInfinity had said- it's not against the rules and if you don't wanna hear their bs do /ignore {Username}
  19. McDonaldsCEO

    Wrong, trackpad god

    Wrong, trackpad god
  20. McDonaldsCEO


    Hey, Welcome btw mate